Dear Parents and Carers,
Parents’ Evenings
It has been so wonderful to see so many of you at our recent Parents’ Evenings. It was fantastic to hear how well your children have settled into their new year groups and to celebrate the progress that they have made so far this year. It is also such an important opportunity for home and school to work together on how we can support your child as we move forward.
We are looking forward to seeing Year 4 parents at the final parents’ evening session on Tuesday 19th November. Appointments for this session can be booked up through Arbor until 6pm on Monday 18th November.
Year R Singing Concert
Our new Year R children melted our hearts with their beautiful singing at their concert earlier this week. The hall was packed with very proud teachers, parents, family and friends – this is the first of many more Warren Park concerts to come!
Charity Events
Thank you for supporting our Royal British Legion poppy appeal once again.
The children have come into school today in an array of colours, spots, pyjamas and outfits in support of the BBC Children in Need appeal. Thank you for your donations which go a long way in helping this charity to support a wide range of children’s organisations, many projects based locally in Hampshire.
Warren Park Parents, Friends and Teachers Association (PFTA)
Our PFTA have already sent home information about their Logo Competition for the children. The competition doesn’t close until next Friday 22nd November so there is still plenty of time for everyone to get creative!
The logo will feature on all of the PFTA’s posters and letters and the overall winner will receive the fabulous prize of a Family Play Pass to Exploria in Portsmouth. Winners from each year group (who will win a small prize) will be selected by the PFTA and our School Council, with the winning design being chosen by a whole school vote from this shortlist. Entries cost £1.00 per design with multiple entries being allowed.
Thank you so much to everyone who has been using the Asda Cashpot for Schools Scheme – you have already raised more than £1,000 which is just incredible! If you shop at Asda and are able to nominate Warren Park Primary, we will be hugely grateful as the scheme still has another 15 days to run. This is such a fantastic way to help the PFTA raise funds for the children and school.
The children have enjoyed a wide range of clubs this term, which have been really well attended. We are currently talking to School Council about the types of clubs that we offer and they have been finding out from children across the school about their ideas for future clubs. This will help us to shape the Spring and Summer term club timetable.
Parent Focus Group
The next Parent Focus Group will take place on Wednesday 4th December at 5pm. At the next meeting we will have a focus on SEND support and provision. There is also an opportunity to ask questions and to suggest topics for future meetings. We look forward to seeing you over a tea or coffee.
Inset Days 2024 / 25
Just a reminder that Friday 29th November 2024, Monday 21st July and Tuesday 22nd July 2025 are inset days and school will be closed for the children.
We have included a date list at the end of this letter as the rest of this term promises to be a very busy one. We have also included a few more details about the events that will take place over the festive season.
POST BOX: We will have a post box for the children to post Christmas cards from Monday 2nd December – please ensure that cards have the full name of the recipient and their year group.
CHOIR CONCERT: The children involved in the concert will remain in school until their performance. The gates will be opened at 4pm for anyone wishing to attend the performance which will take place on the playground in front of the Year 4 classrooms. Hot chocolate and mince pies will be on sale.
CONCERTS: There will be 2 tickets per family available for the Infant and Junior Christmas concerts which can be booked nearer to the time (letter to follow). Entrance will be via the Library entrance (just before the Year R classrooms). There will be a charity collection bucket at the end of the concerts to raise money for The Rowans Hospice.
CHRISTMAS LUNCH: We hope the children will embrace the Christmas spirit by wearing anything festive – jumpers, dresses, outfits, hats and headwear on the day of their Christmas lunch. We will have festive music and crackers as well as our fantastic kitchen team spoiling us with an amazing lunch.
CHRISTMAS DISCOS: Year R, 1 and 2 children can wear their disco clothes to school and their teachers will take them to the school hall at the end of the day. The infant children do not need to bring any additional money as they will be given a drink and some sweets. Parents will collect their children from their child’s classroom door at 4.15pm.
The junior children will be admitted through the main school entrance at 4.30pm. There will be a tuck shop selling sweets and drinks if the juniors wish to bring some money (£1.50 maximum). The children can be collected via the main entrance at 5.45pm. Children must be collected by an adult as it will be dark.
CHRISTMAS PARTIES: The last day of term will be a wear what you like day for all children. Years R to 5 will have Christmas parties which will include lots of fun and games but the children will not need to bring in any food items. Year 6 will have their reward trip on the last day of term.
CHRISTMAS FAIR: We are really pleased to be holding our traditional Christmas Fair on Thursday 19th December from 3.30 – 5.00 pm in the school hall and we are hoping that you will be able to come along for some Christmas fun! We will be asking for donations of bric-a-brac, toys, games, books and any other items that you may have as well as sweets, chocolates and biscuits for our Chocolate Tombola and anything in a bottle. Further details to follow.
With very best wishes,
Elizabeth Cooper