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Portsmouth News Report on Ofsted

Students at Warren Park Primary School ‘happy and confident’ following glowing Ofsted inspection

Warren Park Primary School in Sandleford Road, Havant, has received a positive outcome in their recent Ofsted report. Pictured is: (back l-r) Piper-Rae Nash (8), Freddie Montague (9), Bella Valaskova (8), headteacher Elizabeth Cooper, Damia Ward (6), deputy headteacher Lynne Lofting and Mollie Penfold (10) with (front l-r) Anaya Ntaji (8), Penny Stone (9) and Jackson Legg (6).Picture: Sarah Standing (280225-9867) | Sarah Standing

The staff at a primary school are ‘absolutely delighted’ following its glowing Ofsted report.

Warren Park Primary School, located in Sandleford Road, Havant, has been described as a place where ‘pupils are happy and confident’.

The inspection, which took place on December 10 and 11, 2024, outlined that the school ‘passionate about preparing every pupil for their next stage of education effectively.’
Warren Park Primary School in Sandleford Road, Havant, has received a positive outcome in their recent Ofsted report. Pictured is: (l-r) Anaya Ntaji (8), Mollie Penfold (10), Damia Ward (6), Jackson Legg (6), headteacher Elizabeth Cooper, deputy headteacher Lynne Lofting, Freddie Montague (9), Penny Stone (9), Bella Valaskova (8) and Piper-Rae Nash (8). Picture: Sarah Standing (280225-2495) | Sarah Standing

The Ofsted report said: “From Reception Year onwards, behaviour is impeccable. Pupils take turns and are polite and well mannered. They learn and know the school’s routines well.

“Pupils demonstrate kindness and respect for each other throughout the school day, including at the breakfast club and at breaktimes. Pupils have exceptionally positive relationships with staff.”

Elizabeth Cooper, headteacher at Warren Park Primary School, said: “We are absolutely delighted. It really captured the fantastic work of our entire school community, the passion and commitment of our staff team is really inspiring and our children just have fantastic learning attitudes and they demonstrated those like they do every single day.

“One of the things that the Ofsted were really impressed by was our COSMIC curriculum and that’s our outdoor provision which really enhances our children’s personal development – they considered that to be outstanding and it’s something very special and unique to Warren Park.”

The inspection said that the curriculum has been carefully designed so that staff know how to build up knowledge. The early years curriculum is also ‘planned and sequenced effectively’ and children settle into routine quickly.

The report added: “The school is passionate about preparing every pupil for their next stage of education effectively. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) have their needs identified quickly.

“Pupils love reading. Staff are well trained in the school’s chosen phonics approach. Staff teach phonics successfully. Reading books which help pupils at the earliest stages of reading are matched closely to the sounds that they have learned.”

The safeguarding measures are effective and there is a strong culture of keeping pupils safe.

The Ofsted report can be viewed by clicking this link.

Newsletter – January 2025

The children have made an excellent start to the spring term settling back into school routines following the very busy festive period. The weather has certainly turned colder so please do remind your child to wrap up warmly for break times and outdoor activities.

Ofsted Report

We are looking forward to sharing our Ofsted Report with you soon. The report format has undergone some changes, resulting in more concise reports that no longer provide a single overall judgement. Instead, the focus has shifted to capturing the essence of what it truly means to be a pupil at Warren Park. It aims to paint a picture of our school’s atmosphere, highlighting the day-to-day experiences of our children.

We are so proud of how the children displayed our school values in action. They demonstrated not only their impressive academic progress and achievements but also the warmth, kindness, and enthusiasm that make Warren Park such a special place. The report will detail our areas of strength, celebrating the hard work and dedication of our pupils, staff, and school community as well as outlining areas for future development. Your support and partnership are invaluable in helping us to create an environment where every child can thrive. Thank you for helping us make Warren Park the wonderful school it is!

 Charity Collection

We raised an amazing £324.24 for the Rowans Hospice from the collections at the end of the Christmas Concerts. As always, thank you so much for your generosity.

Art Competition

Very well done to everyone who entered the Art competition. The quality of the entries was incredibly high and the judges have had an almost impossible task identifying the winners.


Please remember to look out for information regarding clubs this term which can be booked using our Arbor system. Please call the school office if you have any difficulty with Arbor and they will be happy to help.

Parents’ Evening

Later this term, we will be sending out further information about Parents’ Evening sessions which will take place on Tuesday 18th March and Thursday 20th March. These are very important meetings as it is an opportunity for us to share your child’s achievements and consider how we can work together to ensure that they get the very best out of all of the opportunities that lie ahead.

Join our Governing Body

There is currently a vacancy on the Governing Body for a co-opted governor. Unlike parent governor posts, there is no election required to fill this vacancy. Being a governor is a fantastic way to get involved in the life of the school and to make a difference for our wonderful children and amazing staff team. If you are interested and would like to know more, please contact our school office or a member of the Governing Board and we will be happy to discuss this further.

Inset Days 2024 / 25

Just a reminder that Monday 21st July and Tuesday 22nd July 2025 are inset days and school will be closed for the children.

Messages from COSMIC:

Celebrating Our Warren Park Values

This term, we came together as a school community to celebrate how well our children embody our Warren Park Values and to create some wonderful new memories as we step into 2025.

As part of a special team day, children from across the school worked together in mixed-age groups to complete exciting challenges based on our six core values: resilience, independence, respect, self-regulation, focus, and boundaries. It was heart-warming to see the children team up so positively with new peers and staff, embracing teamwork and building connections.

The day was a great celebration of the spirit of our school and a reminder of the strength of our shared values. We look forward to more team days in the future, where we can continue to grow and succeed together as a school community.

Equality and Rights Advocates (EARA) Celebrations

As we move into the new year, the EARA team is excited to embrace every opportunity to celebrate the diverse cultures and traditions that make up our school community. This year, we want to ensure everyone has the chance to share and learn about the special occasions that are important to our families.

We’d love to hear about the celebrations that are meaningful to you—whether it’s a religious festival, a special charity day, or a tradition unique to your culture. To help us celebrate together, the EARA team will be inviting children to share what their families celebrate. Children can also add their celebrations to our EARA board in school, which will be a wonderful way for us all to learn from and connect with one another.

We look forward to discovering and celebrating the rich diversity of traditions that make our school community so special!

With very best wishes,

Elizabeth Cooper

School Sports Report – January 2025


Warren Park took a mixed team to the first dodgeball festival of the year – they came back victorious!

Taking part in 7 games, each consisting of 3 matches, Warren Park remained undefeated throughout. They only dropped one game – the first of the event before coming back to win 2-1. The rest of the matches were 3-0 wins for the team who displayed both skill and sportsmanship in each and every match.

A fabulous start to 2025 – well done.

Newsletter – December 2024

It has certainly been a busy week at Warren Park! We are so proud of how our children shared their learning and explained life at our school to the Ofsted team – they did an amazing job alongside our fantastic staff team. Thank you to everyone who replied to the questionnaire or spoke to the inspectors during their visit as they were very impressed with your contributions. It is likely to be January before we receive their report.
Well done to all the children for their fabulous Christmas concerts and thank you so much for joining us and embracing the festive season. We look forward to seeing you at our events next week and I have included the dates below for reference.
As we have a lot of activities towards the end of next week, we will make Wednesday, Thursday and Friday ‘Christmas wear what you like days’ for everyone.

Whole School Wednesday 18th 4pm Choir Concert
Infants Thursday 19th Lunchtime Christmas Dinner + Christmas Jumpers
Whole School Thursday 19th 3.30-5.00 pm Christmas Fair
Juniors Friday 20th Lunchtime Christmas Dinner + Christmas Jumpers
Whole School Friday 20th All day Parties / Y6 reward trip

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Elizabeth Cooper

School Sports Reports – December 2024

Boys Football

Warren Park took two more teams to represent the school against the rest of the local area.

The boys had been looking forward to this for weeks and they did not disappoint! One of the two sides finished 3rd, bringing home a bronze medal. They only lost one game and did not concede a single goal from open play.

A fantastic effort from all the boys who conducted themselves with class – a credit to the school.

Boys Football

Warren Park took two more teams to represent the school against the rest of the local area.

The boys got off to a shaky start with a 0-0 draw where many chances went amiss. This did not deter them as they put in some sterling performances to add a number of wins to their set of results. All of their efforts culminated in the first GOLD MEDAL for Warren Park this year!

What an effort from the team!


Warren Park were invited to take part in a badminton festival where they had the opportunity to practice a number of different skills. Year Five represented the school at the festival and did a fabulous job of it.

All the children demonstrated some great skills and ended the festival with a huge win in a large game of ‘Throwminton’ against another school.

Well done Year Five!


30 children from Year Six had the opportunity to take part in ‘Bikeability’. Some of the 30 got on a bike for the first time in a long time and we are looking forward to inviting the team back to help out children with their cycling.

The remaining children spent two days taking their safety skills out onto the roads and cycling around Leigh Park. The ‘Bikeability’ instructors were full of praise for our children and it was a hugely beneficial experience for all of the children involved!

In the future, we hope to be in a position to accommodate the entirety of Year Six!