Within the COSMIC curriculum we cover Relationships and Sex education (RSE) and Health Education which is a statutory requirement for schools in England. The children have an extensive and engaging series of sessions where we cover boundaries, respectful language, relationships, diversity, growing and changing. In line with government requirements we will be covering the growing and changing part of this curriculum week commencing Monday 23rd May. Every year group will cover an age appropriate session outlined below.
In Year R, 1 and 2 we will be looking at how we have changed since we were babies, the similarities and differences between boys and girls and challenging stereotyping of toys that boys and girls play with. This will include looking and correctly naming all the different body parts including genitalia.
In Y3 and Y4 we will be looking at the human life cycle and how our needs change. This includes looking at bodies, how they change and correctly naming all the different body parts including genitalia.
This is the link to the video we will be showing:
For Y5 and Y6 we will be looking at the changes that will occur physically and emotionally when they go through puberty.
In addition, Year 6 will also look at how a baby is conceived and born.
Please look at the videos as they will help to inform you and help you to have a conversation about RSE. These are age appropriate so please only show the video for your age group.
As a school we feel it is important that our Year 6 children are taught the Sex Education element of the RSE curriculum. If you would like any further information or have any queries please feel free to come and speak to the COSMIC team about these sessions. If you do not want your child to take part in this session, you can ask that they are withdrawn. Information for this can be found on the school website under COSMIC Curriculum and details of all resources can be found on the link below.
Many Thanks