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At Warren Park we are committed to working in partnership with parents and carers to give children the very best education and life chances.

Our Attendance team

James Wood

Attendance Lead

Danielle Read

Attendance Officer

Elizabeth Cooper


Attendance Policy 2024-25



Excellent attendance and punctuality routines start from the very first day of school. Children who are frequently absent are usually those who fall behind and find it hard to keep friendships, which can lead to being unhappy in school.



Did you Know…

Children attend school for 190 days per year which leaves 175 non-school days a year for holidays, cultural experiences and family time.






Non-attendance at school or unauthorised attendance, can result in safeguarding action as every child is entitled to a full-time education.







Mild cough

Mild cold

Mild stomach ache / headache

Sore throat (unless accompanied by a raised temperature)

Feeling tired

Headlice (treatment should be applied outside of school hours)

If the headache is more severe or accompanied by other symptoms such as a raised temperature or drowsiness, consult your GP

A rash can be the first sign of an infectious illness such as chicken pox or measles, consult your GP



Raised temperature (over 37.5)

Infectious illness such as chicken pox (until spots have crusted over) or measles (4 days after the onset of rash)

A sickness bug
i.e. vomiting and diarrhoea. Stay at home for 48 hours after the last episode.


Note, if the school has a medical concern, the office will ring to discuss this and if it is felt that the child is too poorly to remain in school, then they will need to be collected, with siblings remaining until the end of the school day.


Authorised – is when the school agrees with the reason for absence.

Unauthorised – no acceptable reason is given for absence.

If your child will be absent from school, you must notify the school office on the first day of absence and follow this up with a note once the child returns to school.

Examples of absences which the school is unlikely to authorise can include:

    • Sickness of a parent, or other family member.
    • Inadequate clothing for school
    • Child being used as a carer
    • Problems with transport
    • Mild illness (as stated)
    • Lateness


    • Non-urgent medical treatment
    • External club activity
    • School refusal or truancy
    • Birthdays
    • Shopping trips
    • Holidays.


Please help us to make sure that your child has a calm and positive start to the day by arriving on time and achieves at least good attendance of 96% over the academic year.


School Opening Hours

The school day starts at 8:45am. This means children need to be arriving ready when the gates open at 8:40am.

Children are late if they arrive after 8:45am.

The school day ends at 3:15pm

Only in exceptional circumstances should children be collected early.

Collection must happen promptly at 3:15pm.

Children have 13 weeks annual holiday from school. Parents/carers are expected to take holidays at this time. Education law states that parents do not have a right to take their child out of school for a holiday during term time. Only in exceptional circumstances may a headteacher grant permission for leave during term time.


Please be aware that under guidelines set down by the Department for Education, any child with 10 or more half-days of unauthorised absence (which includes lateness) in any 10 school week period, are liable to receive a Penalty Notice without further warning.