Ofsted Report
Warren Park Primary School
Sandleford Road, Leigh Park, Havant, Hampshire, PO9 4LR
Inspection Date
12−13 November 2013 |
Overall effectiveness
Previous inspection: |
Outstanding |
1 |
This inspection: |
Achievement of pupils |
Outstanding |
1 |
Quality of teaching |
Outstanding |
1 |
Behaviour and safety of pupils |
Outstanding |
1 |
Leadership and management |
Outstanding |
1 |
Summary of key findings for parents and pupils
This is an outstanding school. |
- Leadership is superb. The drive, enthusiasm and vision of the headteacher have created an exceptional learning environment in which all pupils can thrive.
- Teachers and support staff have high expectations of what pupils can achieve. Outcomes for pupils have been improving rapidly over time. Their attainment is well above the average at the end of Year 6 and pupils make rapid progress.
- Pupils achieve exceptionally well because the teaching and support they receive are outstanding. This includes pupils in receipt of support through pupil premium.
- The quality of teaching is outstanding. Pupils of all abilities are supported well to achieve. The very high quality of teaching in Reception means that the children get off to an excellent start to their school career.
- Teachers and support staff make an exceptional contribution to the progress and learning of all pupils. Lessons are exciting, engaging and capture the interest of the pupils.
- The behaviour of pupils of all ages is outstanding. Pupils’ moral and social development is at the heart of all the school does.
- The headteacher is a highly effective leader with a clear plan for the future of the school. There is full support from the school staff to help drive this ambition forward, with all prepared to go the extra mile for all pupils.
- The governing body has an excellent understanding of the strengths of the school and plays a full part in planning for the future.
- The school is not complacent and continues to strive for excellence. It recognises that some further strengthening of the link between assessment data and planning is possible.
- Parents think that the school leaders are brilliant and are supportive of the leadership team. Their children enjoy coming to school, and report they feel very safe and their behaviour is good.
Information about this inspection
- Inspectors observed 25 lessons or part lessons taught by 16 teachers and support staff, of which several were joint observations with the headteacher. In addition, several short visits were made to lessons with the headteacher.
- Inspectors looked at the work in pupils’ books and listened to pupils read from Year 2 and Year 6 and held meetings with two groups of pupils. They also used lunch and break times to talk to pupils around the school.
- Inspectors spoke to the Chair of the Governing Body, members of the school management team, teachers with responsibility for key subjects and a representative of the local authority. These meetings included discussions about the analysis of performance information, records of monitoring the quality of teaching, tracking pupils’ progress as well as documents relating to safeguarding children.
- Inspectors met with parents at the start and end of the school day.
- Consideration was given to the 52 responses to the online Parent View survey and to one letter addressed to the inspection team.
- Questionnaires were analysed from 29 staff.
Inspection team
Sarah Jones, Lead inspector |
Additional Inspector |
Philip Scull |
Additional Inspector |
Stephanie Matthews |
Additional Inspector |
Full report
Information about this school
- Warren Park is a larger-than-average-sized primary school.
- The proportion of pupils who are known to be eligible for free school meals or in care of the local authority, for which the school receives additional income (the pupil premium), is above average.
- The proportion of disabled pupils and those who have special educational needs supported through school action is above average. The proportion of pupils who are supported through school action plus or have a statement of special educational needs is above average.
- The school meets the current floor standards, which set the minimum expectations for pupils’
attainment and progress.
- The headteacher works with a number of other schools to support and help raise outcomes for children.
- The school runs a breakfast club and after-school provision and these were included in the inspection.
- The school has a number of awards including Healthy Schools, Kids Taskforce Champions, Care for the Environment.
What does the school need to do to improve further?
- Sustain pupils’ outstanding achievement by using information about pupils’ achievement at all
times to ensure that it is challenging for all groups of pupils.
Inspection judgements
The achievement of pupils |
is outstanding |
- Children enter Reception with skills that are below those typical for their age nationally. They make at least good progress because of the high quality provision and teaching. Teachers plan very well for each individual child. Children work well and their interest is maintained and stimulated by the effective use of adults. Promoting their speaking and listening skills is rightly the highest priority during their first year in school.
- The achievement of all groups is outstanding and has improved significantly since the previous inspection. The proportion of pupils making good and outstanding progress by the end of Year 6 is significantly above average in both English and mathematics. This is reflected in the
proportion of higher levels achieved, especially in reading and mathematics, with writing rapidly improving.
- The rate of progress of all groups reflects the school’s inclusive approach for all pupils, making sure all pupils receive the right education and the right support to move on to the next stage of their education.
- The achievement of disabled pupils and those with special educational needs is outstanding.
These groups are well supported within the classroom environment, to minimise any gaps in their knowledge, and they make excellent progress; their attainment is above national averages for similar groups when compared to pupils nationally.
- The school has used its pupil premium funding very effectively over the past year to provide intensive in-class support for the majority of pupils who are known to be eligible for free school meals. In 2012 there was a significant gap between the attainment of these pupils and others in English and a smaller one in mathematics. The support has been so effective that the gaps have closed dramatically in 2013, to the point where there were no differences in the attainment of pupils entitled to free school meals and others in English and mathematics in 2013.
- Pupils enjoy reading. The younger pupils acquire a good understanding of letters and sounds
and use their knowledge to read unfamiliar words. By the time they reach Year 6, they read with confidence and increasing fluency. During the inspection, children in Reception were observed looking at books with enthusiasm and intrigue, and effectively using the pictures to help understand the story. Both children and parents frequent the weekly after-school book club to help support pupils’ love of reading even further. There is a wide range of books available for those starting to read, as well as those who are competent readers.
- The quality of pupils’ work and the progress in lessons over time are consistently high. Pupils are keen to learn and are very proud of their achievements.
- Teachers provide a stimulating learning environment and pupils use the resources well to support their work. Work displayed in classrooms and corridors is of a good quality. Pupils particularly like the opportunity to see their work projected onto the walls in the reception area and in the main hall, and for all to see throughout the day including break and lunchtimes.
The quality of teaching |
is outstanding |
- Teachers inspire pupils to want to learn. They have very high expectations of all pupils and plan lessons which provide the right challenge.
- Lessons are exciting. Teachers regularly check to see if pupils are making good progress and understand the work. Parents, pupils and inspectors agree that the outstanding achievement is the result of consistently good, and often outstanding, teaching.
- There is a very strong focus on creating imaginative activities, providing opportunities to investigate and solve problems. For example, in a lesson in the outdoor classroom, children were set the task to create and test out the most effective windmill designs.
- Teachers and support staff set out clear learning outcomes, they check the learning and adapt activities. They make sure throughout the lesson pupils are clear on their understanding, providing both support and challenge to meet their individual targets.
- There is a strong focus on getting the learning right in every lesson. Teachers use imaginative activities to encourage independent learning, with challenge and enthusiasm. For example, in a Year 6 class, they participated in an apprentice-style activity, which included using persuasive language to promote a product they had designed. Very occasionally the planning does not fully take account of pupils’ prior knowledge and skills and progress slows a little for a few pupils.
- Teachers and support staff effectively question pupils, encouraging them to think in depth about their work and to secure their understanding.
- Reading is very well taught across the school. As a result, pupils read well and appreciate how reading can help improve their writing.
- Excellent relationships and positive attitudes to learning allow pupils to reflect on their learning and targets and what they need to do to move forward.
- Pupils describe their learning as fun and say that they enjoy learning. Children in Reception clearly enjoyed story time when the teacher dressed up as one of the characters from the book The Gruffalo while reading the story to the children.
- Marking is regular, with feedback to pupils to help them to move on to the next steps in their learning. Pupils are clear on their targets and what they need to do to improve their work and move on.
The behaviour and safety of pupils |
is outstanding |
- Pupils have outstanding attitudes to their learning. They want to do well and strive to achieve the best they can. They describe all teachers as strict but fun and that they help them with their learning.
- Pupils’ behaviour, both in lessons and around the school, is exemplary. Pupils are extremely polite and courteous and very supportive to each other.
- The school’s effective approaches in responding to pupils’ emotional needs and development have made a significant impact on behaviour. There is a consistent approach to behaviour management. As a result, any incidences of poor behaviour are very rare.
- Pupils feel very safe at the school and are very aware of who they can talk to if the need arose.
This includes an awareness of internet safety, road safety and dealing with bullying.
- Pupils are aware of what constitutes bullying, such as cyber bullying and name calling. They report that there is very little bullying in the school and that the school will not tolerate such behaviour.
- Pupils in the school enjoy taking on responsibilities and this includes the school council, care for younger pupils and helping serve food at lunch time.
n Relationships across the school are very strong. Pupils have a lot of respect for each other, interacting well with each other and with staff. Staff, pupils and parents describe the school as a family, caring for each other. Parents describe the school as central to the community. As one parent said, ‘The school has a fantastic role in our community and for that they should be proud of themselves.’
- Pupils’ enjoyment of school is reflected in the high rates of attendance.
The leadership and management |
is outstanding |
- The headteacher is the main driving force behind the school’s improvement. Together with teachers, support staff and governors, there is a highly effective team and this team has brought about significant improvements in pupils’ progress since the previous inspection. This demonstrates that the school is well placed to maintain the high standards observed.
- Senior leaders and teachers use school data effectively to monitor pupils’ performance and helpset next targets, review the interventions and adapt the work to suit the needs of the individual pupils.
- The school’s checks on how well it is doing and development plan are thorough and are frequently reviewed by both senior leaders and the governing body. The plans are used methodically to track and monitor the progress made across the school and to identify areas the school can make further improvements in.
- The curriculum is well planned to meet the needs of the pupils very well, with a clear focus on literacy, numeracy and information technology. In turn, this knowledge is used to build their understanding in areas of history, geography and science. The additional physical education primary school funding will be used to broaden the range of sports offered by the schools sport coach, both during lessons and after school, when seasonal sports are available for children. The school encourages pupils to participate in competitive sports and pupils are very proud of their national achievement in both boys’ and girls’ football.
- There are additional opportunities for children to engage, including a very well attended breakfast club which makes a very positive start to the school day. There are also many after- school clubs which include dance, ‘cook and eat’, music, and the karate club taking place during the inspection.
- Pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding is at the heart of the school, with evidence in all lessons, at break and assembly. During the inspection a very moving assembly was observed on Remembrance Day which encapsulated the whole-school ethos of care and responsibility within a community. The social element is another important aspect of the school curriculum, with a big emphasis on personal, social and health education for all pupils.
- Teachers’ professional development is linked well to the school’s development plan to raise the attainment of pupils across the school. There are also opportunities for staff to improve their teaching further, as well as support and professional development for staff with additional responsibilities.
- The school works well with the local authority, which supports the school well, as well as asking challenging questions, especially when holding the headteacher to account for standards achieved by the children.
- The school’s arrangements for safeguarding of pupils meet statutory requirements and demonstrate very good practice.
- Links with parents are highly effective. Parents are kept well informed about their children’s progress and really appreciate the open-door policy the school has, which includes access to the family support worker.
- The governance of the school:
- The governing body has a very clear understanding of the school’s effectiveness that includes quality of teaching, outcomes and the importance of data to help set targets. The governors are ambitious for the school’s continued success, building in succession planning to make sure all areas are supported and no gaps are created. Governors have a good understanding of the school including the management of teachers’ performance and the implementation of Teachers’ Standards and the impact on salary progression. Governors monitor spending carefully and are aware of how the school is using the pupil premium to improve pupils’ achievement. The range of expertise within the governing body enables close monitoring, for example of the financial position of the school. Governors make sure they are kept up to date with training to improve their effectiveness, especially when holding the headteacher to account. The governing body fulfils statutory duties, such as safeguarding requirements.
What inspection judgements mean
School Grade |
Judgement |
Description |
Grade 1 |
Outstanding |
An outstanding school is highly effective in delivering outcomes
that provide exceptionally well for all its pupils’ needs. This ensures that pupils are very well equipped for the next stage of their education, training or employment. |
Grade 2 |
Good |
A good school is effective in delivering outcomes that provide well for all its pupils’ needs. Pupils are well prepared for the next stage of their education, training or employment. |
Grade 3 |
Requires improvement |
A school that requires improvement is not yet a good school, but it is not inadequate. This school will receive a full inspection within
24 months from the date of this inspection. |
Grade 4 |
Inadequate |
A school that has serious weaknesses is inadequate overall and requires significant improvement but leadership and management are judged to be Grade 3 or better. This school will receive regular monitoring by Ofsted inspectors. |
A school that requires special measures is one where the school is failing to give its pupils an acceptable standard of education and the school’s leaders, managers or governors have not demonstrated that they have the capacity to secure the necessary improvement in the school. This school will receive regular monitoring by Ofsted inspectors. |
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