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Newsletter – April 2024

I do hope that you had an enjoyable Easter break and we are looking forward to the summer term and the children being able to make the most of our beautiful field and grounds. As the summer term is always so busy, I have included quite a few important dates in this letter which will hopefully help you to plan ahead.


Last term Miss Cornish, Art leader, submitted a number of entries to Portsmouth Football Club for the front cover of The Pompey Chimes match day programme. Amelia Payne’s entry was chosen and during the Easter holiday her picture was on the front cover and what a time for this to happen, just before the team became champions! Well done Amelia and well done Pompey!!

Parent Focus Group

Just a reminder that if you would like to become more involved in school life at Warren Park we would love to see you at our Parent Focus meeting on Thursday 25th April at 2pm in the school hall. Our parent governors will also be there and we are keen to hear your thoughts on how we can best launch and use our own school Facebook page as well as consider starting a parent led ‘Friends of Warren Park Association’ (PTA). Please come along and join us for tea, coffee and discussion.

Local Community

Local residents have shared their concerns regarding cars speeding within the local community. Please can you help us to ensure that the local area is as safe as possible for our children and families by driving safely and promoting this with family and friends.

Holidays in term time

The government continue to prioritise the importance of school attendance and following the information that we sent out last term to reinforce this, I just want to remind anyone considering booking a holiday(s) in term time of 5 days or more, that on the first occasion the legal intervention team at Hampshire may process a Fixed Penalty Notice. Any subsequent holiday/unauthorised absence may not be put forward for a fixed penalty notice but referred directly to an attendance legal panel who may decide to prosecute.


We will be saying a sad farewell to Miss Marsh at the end of April as she moves on to a new school. I am sure you will join me in thanking Miss Marsh and wishing her every success for the future. Congratulations to Mrs Banbury who has joined the Year R team as Year Leader and Snapdragons class teacher.

Open afternoon drop in / Reports

On Wednesday 10th July you are invited to visit your child’s class at any time between 3.30 – 4.45 pm to see their workbooks for this year. The teachers will be available for general discussion but if you have a particular matter regarding your child, please arrange a separate appointment through the school office. Before the end of term your child will be given their school report for you to read. We hope that you will enjoy celebrating their achievements with them.

Sports Days

We have included sports day information on the dates list and we will once again invite you to bring along a picnic to share with your child prior to their races. Further information will follow. In the event of poor weather, we will be able to reschedule the sports day but unfortunately not the picnic.


Please keep a regular check on the school website for dates as year groups will continue to add the exciting things that they have planned for this term.

Important Summer Term Dates
21/6/24 12.30 – 3pm Years R, 1 & 2 Picnic and sports day
28/6/24 12.30 – 3pm Years 5 & 6 Picnic and sports day
4/7/24 all day


3.15 – 4.15 pm


4.30 – 5.45 pm





Years 3, 4 & 5

Transition day





5/7/24 12.30 – 3pm Years 3 & 4 Picnic and sports day
10/7/24 3.30 – 4.45pm All Open afternoon
11/7/24 all day All Reserve sports day
12/7/24 all day All Team sports day (just for children) or

Reserve sports day


15/7 to 17/7


15/7 pm dress rehearsal

7.30 – 9pm


1 – 3 pm

Year 6



Year 6 production

all day



6.30 – 9.30pm





Year 6


Reserve team sports day (just for children)


Year 6 Summer Ball


19/7/24 morning




Talent Show

Last day of term



school closed All Inset Days

With very best wishes,

Elizabeth Cooper

Newsletter – March 2024

As we approach the end of another busy and exciting term, we are looking forward to the lighter days, warmer weather and hopefully a chance for the children to begin playing on the school field.


At the end of this term we say a sad farewell to Mrs Pilgrim, who has been an integral part of our school community for the past 28 years. Her dedication and support to the staff, children and families at Warren Park have been nothing short of exceptional. I am sure you will join me in expressing our deepest gratitude and warmest wishes to Mrs Pilgrim as she embarks on an exciting new chapter in her life.

We would like to congratulate Mrs Banbury who has been appointed as the new Year R Leader from after Easter. Parents of children in classes where there is staff change have been sent a more detailed letter explaining the process of transition.

Vocal Ambassadors

Last week our Vocal Ambassadors represented Warren Park at the Hampshire Music Service ‘Choir Spectacular’ at the Anvil Arts Centre in Basingstoke. There were a number of choirs performing and our Vocal Ambassadors joined with those from other schools to perform in front of a packed audience. It was an amazing evening and a very joyous celebration of song. We were very proud of our Vocal Ambassadors and they shared their experience with the rest of the school in assembly this week.

Red Nose Day

On Friday 15th March, we will be supporting Red Nose Day. Children are invited to come to school in non-uniform, wearing something red, and to bring in a donation for this fantastic charity. We are also selling red noses in the school office at £2 each. As the theme is ‘do something funny for money’ we hope the children will enter into the spirit and have lots of fun during the day.

Autism Parent Workshop

On Wednesday 27th March at 1.30 pm, INclude will be running a parent Autism workshop at the school to raise awareness and provide support for parents. The team will be available to offer advice, answer questions and provide information. There is no need to book in advance so please do just come along.

Parent Focus Group

We will be hosting a parent focus group meeting open to all parents and carers on Thursday 25th April at 2pm. This will be an opportunity for us to seek your views on areas that we are currently developing as well as a chance for you to ask any questions over a cup of tea or coffee. A strong home school partnership is something that we really value and we look forward to working together to ensure that your children benefit from the very best education that we can provide. Members of the school’s governing body will also be present to share their involvement in school life and consider how we can further strengthen the relationship between home and school.

Year 5 Activity Week

We hope that our Year 5 children enjoy their up-and-coming Activity Week whether they are going on the residential trip to Avon Tyrrell in the New Forest or taking part in the exciting week of activities at school. This is a really important opportunity for the children to explore learning beyond the curriculum through a really exciting range of activities which develop their independence, resilience and capacity to work collaboratively as part of a team. We will keep our fingers crossed for fine weather and I’m sure they will have a fantastic time and create lasting memories.

Easter Raffle

Tickets for the end of term Easter Egg Raffle will go on sale from Monday 18th March. Tickets will be £1.00 for a strip of 5 with many chocolatey delights available for the lucky winners.

Breakfast Club

Please ensure that places for Breakfast Club are booked and paid for in advance using the Arbor system. We are currently often full and may now not be able to accommodate any children who turn up without a booked place.

Inset days 2024

Monday 22nd July and Tuesday 23rd July will be inset days and school will be closed for the children.
Just a reminder that the spring term finishes on Thursday 28th March and we will look forward to
welcoming the children back for the start of the summer term on Monday 15th April.

With very best wishes,

Elizabeth Cooper

Newsletter – February 2024

I hope you and your children had a wonderful half term break and are ready for an exciting new half-term at Warren Park. I wanted to take a moment to thank all of you who attended our recent Parents’ Evenings. It was truly fantastic to see so many of you and have the opportunity to celebrate your child’s achievements so far this year. Your support and involvement in your child’s education is invaluable, and we are grateful for your continued partnership.

World Book Day

On Friday 8th March, we will be celebrating World Book Day. This is a special day where we come together as a school community to celebrate our love of reading. We invite the children to come to school in their pyjamas and dressing gowns as we will be sharing our favourite bedtime stories and poems. Please ensure that your child also wears appropriate footwear and is dressed warmly as we will still be going outside for break and lunch time. This year we hope to have the special £1 voucher books delivered directly to school so that your child can bring their book home at the end of the day. We will also be organising a book swap, so please do encourage your child to bring in any books they no longer read to participate in this exciting exchange. The book swap and our school book shop will take place in the school hall at the end of the day. As always, reading is a key focus at Warren Park because we believe it opens the door to endless adventures and learning opportunities. We encourage you to continue supporting your child’s reading journey by reading with them at home and completing their reading logs.

Red Nose Day

We are excited to announce that on Friday 15th March, we will be supporting Red Nose Day. Children are invited to come to school in non-uniform, wearing something red, and to bring in a donation for this fantastic charity. As the theme is ‘do something funny for money’ we hope the children will enter into the spirit and have lots of fun during the day.

Thank you for your ongoing support and involvement in our school community. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.

With very best wishes,

Elizabeth Cooper

Newsletter – January 2024

Happy New Year! Thank you for joining us for so many of our festive activities at the end of last term and for ensuring your children returned so successfully on January 2nd. They have made a fabulous start to 2024, settling back into school routines and their learning brilliantly.

Charity Collection

We raised an amazing £282.45 for the Rowans Hospice from the collections at the end of the Christmas Concerts. As always, thank you so much for your generosity.


On Monday we will be sending out some important attendance information which will include your child’s current attendance percentage and punctuality. Since the pandemic, the government is impressing upon parents and schools the importance of strong school attendance and punctuality. There is lots of research which highlights the negative impact that regular or sustained absence from school can have for a child. This includes missing key blocks of learning, struggling to make friendships as well as causing anxiety when returning to school following absence. We are always keen to support parents to ensure that children attend school every day and on time.
We analyse individual attendance regularly and the government require us to put in place supportive measures for any child where attendance is a concern. Our Attendance Officer and SEND Support Assistant, Miss Read, or your child’s teachers will get in contact if your child’s attendance falls below an acceptable level to find out how we can help. We want to help in any way that we can in order that any formal legal action can be avoided. By working together, we want to make sure that your child has the very best education possible during their time at Warren Park.

Parents’ Evening

We will be sending out further information about Parents’ Evening sessions which will take place later this term. These are very important meetings as they are an opportunity for us to share your child’s achievements so far and how we can work together to ensure that they get the very best out of all of the opportunities that lie ahead this year.

Join our Governing Body

This week you will receive a newsletter from our Governing Body. There is currently a vacancy on the board for a co-opted governor. Unlike parent governor posts, there is no election required to fill this vacancy. Being a governor is a fantastic way to get involved in the life of the school and to make a difference for our wonderful children and amazing staff team. If you are interested and would like to know more, please let either our school office or a member of the governing board know and the Chair of Governors will contact you. Please don’t let child care be a barrier as we will provide a free Kids Club place for attendance at governing body meetings.

Breakfast Club

Please ensure that places for Breakfast Club are booked in advance using the Arbor system.

Inset days 2024

Monday 22nd July and Tuesday 23rd July will be inset days and school will be closed for the children.

Art Competition

Very well done to everyone who entered the Art competition. The quality of the entries was incredibly high and the judges have had an almost impossible task identifying the winners.


Please remember to look out for information regarding clubs this term. Letters will be sent for individual clubs and you can also check information on the school website. If you have any problems with booking children via the Arbor system, please call the school office and they will be happy to help.

With very best wishes,

Elizabeth Cooper

Newsletter – December 2023

As we approach the festive season, we are looking forward to welcoming you into school to help us celebrate in true Warren Park style. We have a very busy couple of weeks ahead so please do keep these dates to hand and don’t forget that you can always check information on the school website or by calling the school office.

Thank you

Thank you so much for supporting our recent charity events so generously. We raised a fantastic £162.05 for the British Legion Poppy Appeal and a truly amazing £345.27 for Children in Need.

Christmas dates

Tuesday 5th December:

Infant Christmas lunch and Christmas Jumper day
Year 4 Ukulele concert 2.15pm

Wednesday 6th December:

Year R Singing Concert 2.30pm
Outdoor choir concert 4.15pm

Thursday 7th December:

Junior Christmas lunch and Christmas jumper day
Infant Christmas disco 3.15 – 4.15pm
Junior Christmas disco 4.30 – 5.45pm

Friday 8th December:

Wear what you like to school in return for a donation to the Christmas Fair

Tuesday 12th December:

Year 1 & 2 Christmas concert 10am
Junior Christmas concert 2pm

Wednesday 13th December:

Junior Christmas concert 10am
Year 1 & 2 Christmas concert 2pm

Thursday 14th December:

Christmas Fair 3.30 – 5pm

Friday 15th December:

Christmas parties / Year 6 reward trip

POST BOX: We will have a post box for the children to post Christmas cards from Monday 4th December – please ensure that cards have the full name of the recipient and their year group.

CHOIR CONCERT: The children involved in the concert will remain in school until their performance. The gates will be opened at 4pm for anyone wishing to attend the performance which will take place on the playground in front of the Year 4 classrooms. Hot chocolate and mince pies will be on sale.

CONCERTS: Please make sure that you have ordered your tickets via the online form. Please contact the school office if you have any difficulty with this. Entrance will be via the Library entrance (just before the Year R classrooms). There will be a charity collection bucket at the end of the concerts to raise money for The Rowans Hospice.

CHRISTMAS LUNCH: We hope the children will embrace the Christmas spirit by wearing anything festive – jumpers, dresses, outfits, hats and headwear on the day of their Christmas lunch. We will have festive music and crackers as well as our fantastic kitchen team spoiling us with an amazing lunch.

CHRISTMAS DISCOS: Year R, 1 and 2 children can wear their disco clothes to school and their teachers will take them to the school hall at the end of the day. The infant children do not need to bring any additional money as they will be given a drink and some sweets. Parents will collect their children from their child’s classroom door at 4.15pm.
The junior children will be admitted through the main school entrance at 4.30pm. There will be a tuck shop selling sweets and drinks if the juniors wish to bring some money (£1.50 maximum). The children can be collected via the main entrance at 5.45pm. Children must be collected by an adult as it will be dark.

CHRISTMAS PARTIES: The last day of term will be a wear what you like day for all children. Years R to 5 will have Christmas parties which will include lots of fun and games but the children will not need to bring in any food items. Year 6 will have their reward trip on the last day of term.

CHRISTMAS FAIR: We are really pleased to be holding our traditional Christmas Fair on Thursday 14th December from 3.30 – 5.00 pm in the school hall and we are hoping that you will be able to come along for some Christmas fun! We are asking for donations of bric-a-brac, toys, games, books and any other items that you may have as well as sweets, chocolates and biscuits for our Chocolate Tombola and anything in a bottle. Donation day is Friday 8th December but you are welcome to send in donations at any time before the day.

We are really looking forward to seeing you over the festive season!

With very best wishes,

Elizabeth Cooper