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Newsletter – September 2023

Welcome back to a very exciting new school year and we hope that you have had an enjoyable summer break. We are really looking forward to welcoming the children back to school on Tuesday 5th September (Monday 11th September for our new Reception children).

School Office

We are delighted to welcome Mrs Jo Winslade, our new School Business Manager, to the Warren Park team. She will be joined by Mrs Lynne Lewis who will be working with us for two days each week as our finance assistant. We are also currently in a recruitment process for additional roles within the team. While we complete this process, you will be greeted by other friendly members of our staff team who will all be happy to support and assist you in any way. Although Mrs Winslade has a great deal of experience working in primary schools, it will take a little while for her team to get to know all of our Warren Park systems so please do bear with us in these early weeks of the term.


Parents who have already placed orders for uniform for children in Years 1 to 6 will be able to collect these from 1.30pm on Monday 4th September. Orders can be paid for in cash, card or bank transfer at the time of collection. Those that have been pre-paid will be ready for collection. As we have a large number of orders for collection, paying in cash is likely to be the speediest option and we will endeavour to make the collection process as smooth as possible.

Orders for Reception children will be ready for collection from Thursday 7th September.

We are planning to continue with children wearing PE kit to school on PE and Games days. Please make sure that jogging bottoms are plain black, blue or grey and are worn with a white tee-shirt and blue school sweatshirt. Appropriate trainers or plimsolls must be worn. Football kits, colours other than blue/black/grey bottoms / white tee-shirt and clothing with motifs or labels are not acceptable PE kit. Children will be expected to be wearing appropriately coloured PE kit and we will ensure that each year group has some spare kit for any child who does not wear PE clothing fitting with our policy on their PE day.

Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club and Kids Club will begin again on Tuesday 5th September. Please ensure that places are booked in advance using the Arbor system.

Absence messages

If your child is unwell, you will now have the option to leave a message on the school answer system rather than needing to speak to a member of the office team. Please remember to leave your child’s name, class and the reason for absence. We hope that this facility will make this process easier for everyone.

Inset days 2023 / 24

Friday 24th November 2023, Monday 22nd July and Tuesday 23rd July will be inset days and school will be closed for the children.

Literary Festival

On Friday 29th September we will be celebrating our Warren Park love of reading with a special day of events that will enable children to share their favourite books as well as hearing from authors and poets. More information will follow shortly.

We are very much looking forward to working in partnership with you again this academic year to make sure that your children have the very best possible educational journey that we can provide. Please remember that Mrs Lofting and I are available if you have any queries or questions.

With very best wishes,

Elizabeth Cooper