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Monthly Archives: September 2024

Newsletter – September 2024

We hope you enjoyed the summer break and are delighted to welcome you back to an exciting new school year. Our Reception children have joined us for their first day today which has been fantastic and so wonderful to see so many smiling faces. Thank you for making sure that the children have returned looking incredibly smart in their school uniform. We look forward to seeing you in school this year and have some exciting ways that you can become really involved in the life of the school and your child’s journey through Warren Park.

Welcome Back Year Group Parent Invitation

Each year group will be sending parent/carers an invitation to visit their child’s new year group. We hope that this will give you an early opportunity to meet your child’s teachers and see the children in action at school. The dates for each year group are below and there will be a further opportunity to talk to the teachers at the Parents’ Evening appointments in November.

Parent Invitation September 2024
Year Date Time Event
R 18.10.24 3.15 pm COSMIC Workshop
1 23.9.24 2.30 pm Reading café in the hall.
2 30.9.24 2.30 pm Times tables introduction in the hall
3 19.9.24 2.30 pm Reading café in the hall
4 17.9.24 2.30 pm Geography treasure hunt in the hall
5 20.9.24 2.30 pm Book share/Avon Tyrell sharing

In the hall

6 16.9.24 2 – 3 pm Drop in afternoon art / geography

in class

Parent Focus Group and PFTA

I would like to thank all of the parents who have been involved in getting our Warren Park Parents, Friends and Teachers Association up and running. Please see the message from Rachael and Emma below and please do come along to the AGM. The more parents that are involved, the more events we can plan for our children which is very exciting.

Please do also sign up for the Asda Cashpot for Schools as this could really help us to raise funds for the PFTA’s first project!

The first Parent Focus Group will take place on Friday 11th October at 2pm. This is an open forum to ask questions and find out more about the school. Miss Tester, Leader of the COSMIC team, will be joining us to share information about her curriculum. We look forward to seeing you over a tea or coffee.

Warren Park Parents, Friends and Teachers Association (PFTA)

Hi, we’re Rachael and Emma and we’re both parents of children in Year 3 and Year R. We have been part of a ‘steering group’ to help set up the school’s first PFTA. 

 We are hoping to get our PFTA up and running this year and start fundraising to support the school. At the moment Asda are running a ‘Cashpot for Schools’ initiative and Warren Park currently have £156.03 in our cashpot since it started last week. This initiative runs until 30th Nov and a small % of your total spend gets added every time you shop. 

However, we can only access this cashpot if we have a PTA who are registered with Parentkind (PTA support). Luckily, we are already registered with Parentkind so we are half way there. 

On Tuesday 15th October 2-3pm at the school we will be holding our very first AGM to vote in committee members so we can access the funds. This is an open event for everyone regardless of whether you want to formally join the committee or not. We need as many people there as possible to help us vote in committee members. 

 We have lots of great ideas to help raise funds to benefit our children, however we realise we need to take things slowly at the beginning and really need your support to help our PFTA grow. 

 We really hope to see as many of you as possible on Tuesday 15th October, we’ll bring tea and biscuits!

We are very much looking forward to working in partnership with you again this academic year to make sure that your children have the very best possible educational journey that we can provide. Please remember that Mrs Lofting and I are available if you have any queries or questions.

With very best wishes,

Elizabeth Cooper