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Year 5

Indoor PE Friday morning
Outdoor Games Wednesday afternoon
PPA/COSMIC Tuesday afternoon
Library Monday afternoon

Year 5 – Curriculum Map 2024-25

Happy Spring Term!

The children have been working hard throughout January and as we move into February. Thank you for your ongoing support with reading and tables practice. Please keep up the good work.

Upcoming Events

The children are very excited about our Parent Drop In where they will be able to show you all of their brilliant work. After you have spent time looking at your children’s books, teachers will be on hand to answer any last minute questions about Avon Tyrrell. We look forward to seeing you all on Friday 14th March at 2.30pm.

Spring Term Learning:


We are reading ‘Who Let The Gods Out’, a book by Maz Evans. The children are loving this book, especially as it links so well to our History topic, ‘Ancient Greece’.  So far, we have used the book to stimulate the writing of a setting description of Stonehenge and then of Elysium, which is where the Greek Gods live. We have started looking at speech and how an author moves the story on. We will also be looking at poetry and writing our own poems inspired by the book.


In Maths, we will continue to retrieve our existing knowledge whilst focusing on mathematical operations using formal methods before moving onto fractions and percentages and how they relate to each other. We look forward to developing the children’s skills and applying them to reasoning and problem-solving activities.  Moving forward, we will be working hard to ensure the children are secure in all aspects of maths.


In Science, we are learning about different forms of Friction. We will carry out a number of experiments to embed our knowledge about water resistance, air resistance, friction and levers pulleys and gears. We are working towards answering the question – How and why do things, move or not?


In History we will enjoy our unit about Ancient Greece with a focus on democracy, rights and freedom.  We will find out about their ideas, beliefs and attitudes and how living in that era still has a massive impact on our lives now through elements such as architecture, theatre and the Olympics.


In Art, we are learning about an artist called Grayson Perry.  He makes pottery about his memories.  We are linking the work of Grayson Perry to our History topic where we will be sculpting a clay Greek Hydria (ask your child what this is).


In Music we are starting a new topic called ‘Read, write and remember to Twinkle!’ We will be learning to write music and then we will perform our compositions on glockenspiels.


In Spanish, we are learning about the home and how to say what’s in our house and the chores we do at home.


In Computing we are using Audacity to record and edit sounds.  We will work towards making our own radio jingle.


Each Tuesday afternoon, our children experience our Cosmic curriculum.  See our Long Term plans to find out which topics are being covered each half-term.


Both classes have now both had a chance to go swimming on a Wednesday afternoon and will enjoy a second set of lessons during the Spring term. Owls will be swimming first, whilst Puffins will be learning to play handball outside. This swaps around in Spring 2.  All Year 5 children are learning how to play badminton during our indoor P.E. sessions, which are on a Friday.

Once again, we look forward to seeing you on 14th March at 2.30. Ongoing, please use our year group email address if you have any questions.

Thank you again for your ongoing support,

The Year 5 Team

Email the Year 5 Team at

Autumn Term Archive

Trip to the Southdowns Planetarium

On 30th September 2024, Year 5 were lucky enough to go to the South Downs Planetarium.

Our Science topic this half term is ‘Earth & Space’ and the question we are trying to answer is, ‘Could we live anywhere else in the Universe?’ This trip gave the children a chance to take a journey through the night sky, guided by an expert from the centre. In an hour-long presentation, the children were shown the planets, a number of star constellations and given a guided tour of the International Space Station. At the end of the presentation, the children were able to ask some brilliant questions and gather more information to support their studies.

After lunch, the children were treated to a workshop about life as an astronaut and also completed a fact hunt around the information boards at the planetarium.

The children had an excellent time and added greatly added to their knowledge levels.

Here are some photographs of our trip.

Welcome to Year 5!

We have been so excited to welcome your children back into school and have been really impressed with how well they have settled into our new structures and routines.

Our Team:

Mr Mears (Year Leader)
Miss Dawkins
Mrs Jenkins
Mrs Bone

Drop off and pick up

Children can enter school through any of the gates.

In the morning, children will enter through the Year 2 door.

  • Please remember, school starts at 08:45. If your child is late (arriving after 8.50), they must enter through the office and sign in.

In the afternoon, children leave through the office door.

Things to bring into school

We have limited storage space.  Please only allow your child to bring in:

  • Packed lunches (if they have packed lunch)
  • A water bottle
  • A warm coat (if it is cold)
  • Reading and Times Table record books – As a minimum, these books should be in school on a Friday so that we can assess your child’s progress but children can bring them in each day.

Things not to bring into school

We kindly ask that children don’t bring in:

  • Large rucksacks, bags, book bags or P.E. bags (unless your child is swimming) as this helps us avoid clutter and to clean more easily.
  • Cuddly toys and other things such as pencil cases, play things, toys etc that we do not allow in school.

P.E timetable

Children will come into school in P.E. kit when we have P.E. Our P.E. days are:

  • Wednesday and Friday

For P.E we ask that children wear:

  • Usual school t-shirt and sweatshirt/fleece
  • Shorts, joggers, leggings or tracksuit bottoms, (black, grey or blue)
  • We ask that children do not wear jeans or football kits on PE days
  • If your child comes in to school dressed inappropriately for P.E, we have spare kit which we will allow them to wear for that lesson.

Earrings should not be worn to school on P.E. days. If ears are newly pierced, you should send your child in with surgical tape covering them. We only allow small stud earrings in school at any time; sleepers or dangly earrings are not permitted for health and safety reasons.


Your child will be going swimming for approximately half of a term during the course of the year.  Swimming will take place on Wednesday afternoons.  We will go swimming in classes, starting with Owls class.  We will communicate details of any changes etc when required.


Your child’s COSMIC time will be on Tuesday afternoon.


Reading is a key skill which opens up the whole school curriculum for children and we look forward to working hard with you and your child to further develop their reading skills.  Your child will bring a reading book home every evening and we would ask that you read with your child as often as possible.  We ask the children to read at home a minimum of four times per week and hand their Reading Record in at school every Friday so that we can review and applaud their progress.

Your child should have brought home their new Home Reading Record for the year.  These Home Reading Records have been professionally designed and printed and I’m sure you’ll agree that they look fantastic.  However, ‘fantastic’ comes at a cost with each Reading Record costing the school £1.40 apiece.  It doesn’t seem much but multiply that by 420 odd copies and it starts to get pricey. Therefore, there will not be the endless replacement of lost or damaged Reading Records this year as we simply do not have resources for this. We kindly ask that these Home Reading Records are carefully looked after – along with the reading book that they will accompany.  The school has made a huge investment into reading books again this year and we ask you to value the books at home as much as we do in school.

Maths / Times Tables

Children also have a ‘Times-Tables Record’.  This is to be used by you and your child to record their Tables practice.  The record contains some ideas in it about how you can practice at home.  We would encourage children to practice their Tables a minimum of 4 times per week and to ensure that they bring their record in on a Friday so that we can record and applaud their progress.

As the year progresses, we will be sending out some additional maths prompts to support you with helping your child to develop all of their maths skills.  Look out for future communications!

Reading and Tables Clubs

We know that it can sometimes be difficult to fit in our reading and tables homework tasks.  When your child has not had the opportunity to read or practice tables 4 times per week, we will use one playtime per week to help them to catch up on these tasks.


Behaviour is managed as per the school behaviour policy.  We have a zone-board in both classrooms which is used to support our approach to behaviour.  If your child finishes the day at the top of the board, they earn credits towards educational rewards.  On rare occasions, a child may finish the day at the bottom of the zone board and, in such an instance, they will be asked to stay in during break time on the following day to reflect on their choices.

Parent Drop-In (Book share and discussion about Avon Tyrrell/Activity Week)

We would like to invite you to attend a drop-in session in the hall on Friday 20th September at 2.30pm. This session will allow your child to share some of their work from the first few weeks before we share information about Avon Tyrrell, our residential trip, and the activity week that happens in school.

We are here to help!

We are looking forward to working together over the coming year.  Whilst we make every effort to answer questions at drop-off and pick-up, we might not always be able to chat at these times.  If we are unable to answer questions at these times, we can also be contacted by email ( or phone so please don’t hesitate to write or call if there is something you would like to discuss.

Thank you for your ongoing support,

Year 5 Team

Spring Term Archive