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Year 5

Indoor PE Friday morning
Outdoor Games Wednesday afternoon
PPA/COSMIC Tuesday afternoon
Library Monday afternoon

Year 5 – Curriculum Map 2023-24

Summer Term

Happy Summer Term! (Hopefully summer will arrive soon)

We hope you all had a lovely spring break and are starting to enjoy the lighter nights and ‘slightly’ warmer weather.

Before the Easter holidays, the children who went to Avon Tyrell had an amazing time and all thoroughly enjoyed themselves, as did the children who stayed behind at school. We will shortly be communicating a date when you will be able to come in and look at the photos and videos that were taken during the week. More to follow on that.

This term, in English, we are reading ‘The Boy at the Back of the Class’. It’s about a boy (Ahmet) who is a refugee and has started at a new school.  The children saw it as a stage show back in March, which has really helped their understanding. We will soon be writing a character description, an informal letter and a newspaper report to deepen our understanding of this book and to apply our learning. Later, we’ll be studying Shaun Tan’s wordless picture book, The Arrival.

In Maths, we have been learning about Statistics. We will soon be doing more work with geometry and fractions before spending a large part of the term Problem Solving using all 4 operations.

Here is a list of the topics we are learning at school this term:

  • Art-Animals in their habitats’ (pen line drawing) Joanna Basford + Copacabana- Pop Art ICT – Lobo.
  • Science-Properties, Materials and changes. Transparency, Opacity, Mixtures and Solutions + Study reflection and assessment.
  • Geography – comparing Brazil (Rio De Janeiro) with Hampshire (Havant)
  • Cosmic Geography– Rivers and water cycle.
  • Cosmic History – Havant Spring
  • Cosmic Science– Living things and habitats and Animals including Humans
  • PE– Rounders, Dodgeball and Football.
  • Computing– 3D modelling-Sketchup + condition switches between actions.
  • RE– Umma- community in Islam + Leadership – Jesus as a leader.
  • Spanish– My Town
  • PSHE– Money.
  • Music-Rap workshops (Music Fusion) & Mythical Creatures (Using glockenspiels and other percussion)
  • DT– Electrical systems – Making a game.

The end of Year 5 is fast approaching. We will be working hard to get the children ready for their transition to Year 6 and hopefully enjoying some nice, warm weather.

We are looking forward to our trip to the beach and will also be holding a water based fun morning later in the term.

As usual, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email us at or to call the school office to arrange a chat at an appropriate time.

Thank you for your continued support.

The Year 5 Team

Email the Year 5 Team at

Autumn Term Archive

Welcome to Year 5! We are really looking forward to welcoming you in September and have lots of exciting learning and experiences planned for you when you join either Puffins or Owls.  In particular, you will take the lead in our Christmas performance, so start warming up for your moment in the spotlight.  Before that, we hope you have a fantastic summer break, fingers crossed for lots of sunny warm weather. There are a few things that you could do over the summer to ensure you are ready for the start of the year. Keeping up your reading would be fantastic, little and often is best, and practicing your times tables will really help at the start of the year. Not wanting to wish the holidays away, but when you start organising for next year, remember to buy a suitable PE kit and trainers so that you are ready for those active games sessions we will have.  Remember, the only things you need to bring to school are your home reading and tables records so you will not need a big bag as we do not have space to store them.  We hope you have a fantastic summer holiday. Have fun, be safe and we look forward to seeing you refreshed and ready to learn in September.

The children continue to show us how amazing they are. They have been working hard and are enjoying our English text driver, ‘George’s Secret Key to the Universe’. In Maths, we have been learning about Perimeter and Area and have recently moved on to Fractions. In Science, the children have particularly enjoyed learning about the wonders of space – the Planetarium trip was a real success! We have also enjoyed learning about: Oceania in Geography; Ancient Civilisations with a focus on Ancient Egypt in History; an artist called Philip Treacy in Art;  the instruments of the orchestra in Music; composition of a dance in P.E; coding in Computing and a whole lot more. Be sure to quiz them at home.

Thank you for all of the hard work that you do at home. The reading and times tables support you give really helps your child to make progress when at school.

As we move into the second half of the Autumn Term we will be moving on to some new topics, as follows:

Art – Sophie Knight

R.E. – Interpretation

Cosmic – See Cosmic link on our website

Changes to our timetable for the second part of the Autumn Term:

  • PUFFINS will go swimming on a Wednesday afternoon. On that day, the children in the Puffins class should come to school with a swimming costume, goggles and a towel. The Owls will swap from swimming and will now do Basketball.

As we progress towards Christmas, we will be working on a Christmas performance which will include all of the children. Dates will be confirmed during December.

Please remember that we are always here if you need to speak to us about a specific matter. Please use the Year 5 email address – or call the school office to leave us a message.


The Year 5 Team

Spring Term Archive

Spring Term

We hope that you’ve had a lovely Christmas break. The children have come back after Christmas ready to learn and engage with us, which is amazing. Please ensure that you continue reading and practicing times tables as this will benefit them in all aspects of school life. In addition, can you ensure that these books are bought into school every Friday.

Upcoming Events

The children are very excited about our Parent Drop In where they will be able to show you all of their brilliant work. We will also be holding an Avon Tyrrell talk after that event. We look forward to seeing you all on Friday 9th February at 2.15pm.

Spring Term Learning:


We are reading ‘Who Let The Gods Out’, a book by Maz Evans. The children are loving this book, especially as it links so well to our History topic, ‘Ancient Greece’.  So far, we have used the book to stimulate the writing of a setting description of Stonehenge and then of Elysium, which is where the Greek Gods live. We have started looking at speech and how an author moves the story on. We will also be looking at poetry and writing our own poems inspired by the book.


In Maths, we will continue to retrieve our existing knowledge whilst focusing on mathematical operations using formal methods before moving onto fractions and percentages and how they relate to each other. We look forward to develop the children’s skills and applying them to to reasoning and problem-solving activities.  Moving forward, we will be ensuring the children are secure on all aspects of maths.


In Science, we are learning about different forms of Friction. We will carry out a number of experiments to embed our knowledge about water resistance, air resistance, friction and levers pulleys and gears. We are working towards answering the question – How and why do things, move or not?


In History we will enjoy our unit about Ancient Greece with a focus on democracy, rights and freedom.  We will find out about their ideas, beliefs and attitudes and how living in that era still has a massive impact on our lives now through elements such as architecture, theatre and the Olympics.


In Art, we are learning about an artist called Grayson Perry.  He makes pottery about his memories.  We are linking the work of Grayson Perry to our History topic where we will be sculpting a clay Greek Hydria (ask your child what this is).


In Music we are starting a new topic called ‘Read, write and remember to Twinkle!’ We will be learning to write music and then we will perform our compositions on glockenspiels.


In Spanish, we are learning about the home and how to say what’s in our house and the chores we do at home.


In Computing we are using Audacity to record and edit sounds.  We will work towards making our own radio jingle.


Each Tuesday afternoon, our children experience our Cosmic curriculum.  See our Long Term plans to find out which topics are being covered each half-term.


Both classes have now both had a chance to go swimming on a Wednesday afternoon and will enjoy a second set of lessons during the Spring term. Owls will be swimming first, whilst Puffins will be learning to play handball outside. This swaps around in Spring 2.  All Year 5 children are learning how to play badminton during our indoor P.E. sessions, which are on a Friday.

Once again, we look forward to seeing you on 9th February at 2.15. Ongoing, please use our year group email address if you have any questions.

Thank you again for your ongoing support,

The Year 5 Team