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Year 1

Indoor PE Wednesday afternoon
Outdoor Games Thursday afternoon
PPA/COSMIC Monday afternoon
Library Tuesday afternoon

Year 1 – Curriculum Map 2024-25

Milestones Living History Museum

Our history learning has taken us on a journey from A VERY LONG TIME AGO, LONG AGO, all the way to NOW. We have been learning all about toys, whilst also making comparisons about life in our living memory and beyond.

We had the amazing opportunity to visit the incredible Milestones Living History Museum, where we walked into life spanning back many decades. We were able to see, live and breathe what life would have been like beyond our living memory, as well as what it was like for our Great/Grandparents. We took part in learning workshops, where we played games from A LONG TIME AGO. These were both physical and imaginative. We then sorted, classified and organised toys into characteristics from their time; handmade, materials, movement, feel, mechanical and so forth.

Monster Phonics – Week 5

Science – Everyday Materials

As part of our science topic, Everyday Materials’, we have started to learn all about what things are made of, as well as their properties.

We have been learning about:


We have also started to learn about the properties of ‘Everyday Materials’. We investigated the properties of each material focusing on the following:


Have a look at home at what things are made of and ask the children if they can describe their properties.

Room on the Broom

Today in the school library, something magical happened! Year One found a sparkly trail of glitter leading to a tall, pointy hat and a broomstick on the floor. There was even a little green frog hopping around! Next to the frog was a shiny black cauldron bubbling with mystery. It looked like the Witch from Room on the Broom had been there! What could she be up to? Together, we are going to work to solve the magical mystery!

Bee Bots

Session 1 – To design and create our own Bee-Bot world.

We began our first session with designing and creating a world for the Bee-Bot on a grid. We used our English text driver as our ‘theme’ and made maps for the Three Little Pigs.

RE Special Clothes

Today we came into school in our special clothes. We discussed why they were special, how they made us feel and why & where we wear them.

We took part in our very own ‘Fashion Show Cat Walk’ to show our special clothes.

Welcome to Year One

We have been so pleased to welcome Giraffes and Penguins back to school. The children are settling into their new routines and new classes beautifully. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your kind support. As we begin Year One, we wanted to update you on some key information.

We are so lucky to be surrounded by a team of dedicated and hard-working adults and we would like to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves and share some key information with you.

 Our Team:

Mr Wood, Miss Bentley, Mrs Dinnis-Searle, Mrs Brewer, Mrs Plomer & Miss Whatsize.

We have limited storage space.  Please only allow your child to bring in:

  • Packed lunch box / bag (If they have packed lunch)
  • A named water bottle (needed daily). Please no Stanley type cups or bottles this size.
  • A warm coat.
  • Reading record book.
  • A small bag or a book bag. Please, no big rucksacks as we just don’t have the room.
  • Please label all clothing.

COSMIC (Boulter building) – Wednesday morning

PE days:

Indoor PE – Monday         Outside Games – Thursday

We are continuing to ask that your child is sent into school wearing their PE kit on their PE days.

We kindly ask that PE kit consists of a plain polo shirt or t-shirt, worn with either shorts or tracksuit bottoms that are blue, grey or black. Normal Warren Park sweatshirts and cardigans can be worn. We would ask that children do not wear football kits, colours other than blue/black/grey for bottoms and any clothing with motifs or labels. On PE/Games days the children must wear trainers or plimsoles not their school shoes. We have spare kit in the year group for any children that do not come in wear appropriate PE kit.

Earrings should not be worn to school on PE days. If they are newly pierced, then you should send your child in with surgical tape covering them. We only allow small stud earrings in school at any time and sleepers or dangly earrings are not permitted for health and safety reasons.


Reading is an absolute top priority for us; it’s the key that opens the doorway to the whole curriculum. We ask that you support our work in school by hearing your child read at home as often as possible. Our school home reading policy states that all children should read to an adult at least three times a week at home. Reading a few pages and discussing what they have read will really support the work we are doing in class. We ask that children bring their reading record in everyday. The school has made a huge investment into reading books again this year and we ask you to value the books at home as much as we do in school. Any lost/damaged books will need to be replaced at a cost of £3.50 per reading book and £1.50 for a lost Reading Record.

Arriving into school:

Just a reminder about our start times; gates open at 8:40 and we will open our classroom doors at 8:45. For pick-up the gates open at 3:05 and we will open our doors at 3:15. We ask that no parents are on site until gates are officially opened.

We are looking forward to working together over the coming year to achieve the best for your child.  Whilst we make every effort to answer questions at drop-off and pick-up, we might not always be able to chat at these times.  If we are unable to answer questions at these times, we can also be contacted by email or phone so please don’t hesitate to write or call if there is something you would like to discuss.

Arriving Late at School, absence due to Illness & medical appointments

  • If your child arrives at school after 8.50am they must come into school via the school office to sign in.
  • If your child is absent due to illness, you must let the office know by leaving a message on the answerphone each day that your child is absent. If we do not hear from you, unfortunately, your child’s absence will be marked as unauthorised.

Wherever possible please try to make appointments outside of school hours. If your child has a medical/dentistry appointment please let the office know if you need to collect your child from school. You can do this either in person or by telephone. If your child has an early morning appointment and will be coming into school later that morning, please also ensure you let the office know what your child will be doing for lunch.

We look forward to a fantastic year ahead,

The Year One Team

Email the Year 1 Team at

Monster Phonics Archive

Monster Phonics – Week 4

Monster Phonics – Week 3

Year 1 Phonics Wk 3

Autumn Term Archive