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Newsletter – January 2024

Happy New Year! Thank you for joining us for so many of our festive activities at the end of last term and for ensuring your children returned so successfully on January 2nd. They have made a fabulous start to 2024, settling back into school routines and their learning brilliantly.

Charity Collection

We raised an amazing £282.45 for the Rowans Hospice from the collections at the end of the Christmas Concerts. As always, thank you so much for your generosity.


On Monday we will be sending out some important attendance information which will include your child’s current attendance percentage and punctuality. Since the pandemic, the government is impressing upon parents and schools the importance of strong school attendance and punctuality. There is lots of research which highlights the negative impact that regular or sustained absence from school can have for a child. This includes missing key blocks of learning, struggling to make friendships as well as causing anxiety when returning to school following absence. We are always keen to support parents to ensure that children attend school every day and on time.
We analyse individual attendance regularly and the government require us to put in place supportive measures for any child where attendance is a concern. Our Attendance Officer and SEND Support Assistant, Miss Read, or your child’s teachers will get in contact if your child’s attendance falls below an acceptable level to find out how we can help. We want to help in any way that we can in order that any formal legal action can be avoided. By working together, we want to make sure that your child has the very best education possible during their time at Warren Park.

Parents’ Evening

We will be sending out further information about Parents’ Evening sessions which will take place later this term. These are very important meetings as they are an opportunity for us to share your child’s achievements so far and how we can work together to ensure that they get the very best out of all of the opportunities that lie ahead this year.

Join our Governing Body

This week you will receive a newsletter from our Governing Body. There is currently a vacancy on the board for a co-opted governor. Unlike parent governor posts, there is no election required to fill this vacancy. Being a governor is a fantastic way to get involved in the life of the school and to make a difference for our wonderful children and amazing staff team. If you are interested and would like to know more, please let either our school office or a member of the governing board know and the Chair of Governors will contact you. Please don’t let child care be a barrier as we will provide a free Kids Club place for attendance at governing body meetings.

Breakfast Club

Please ensure that places for Breakfast Club are booked in advance using the Arbor system.

Inset days 2024

Monday 22nd July and Tuesday 23rd July will be inset days and school will be closed for the children.

Art Competition

Very well done to everyone who entered the Art competition. The quality of the entries was incredibly high and the judges have had an almost impossible task identifying the winners.


Please remember to look out for information regarding clubs this term. Letters will be sent for individual clubs and you can also check information on the school website. If you have any problems with booking children via the Arbor system, please call the school office and they will be happy to help.

With very best wishes,

Elizabeth Cooper