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School Meals

We are using the Winter/Spring Term Menus.

Click here to view or download the menus

Week 1 menus will be used week commencing –

Mar 24th

Week 2 menus will be used week commencing –

Mar 31st

School meals are cooked on the premises by the school’s own caterers. This allows the school to have more control over all aspects of the food provided.  We pride ourselves in offering a very wide and varied menu including daily fresh fruit and vegetables. Milk is also available for all infants and children entitled to free school meals. All allergens are now coded on our menus using the following key:-

The cost of a traditional school meal will cost £2.40.  We would like all children to give their £2.40 to the classteacher, however payment can be made to the school office OR you can pay on line via the school website.  Alternatively children may bring in their own packed lunch.

If a child wishes to go home for lunch, permission will only be granted on receipt of a written request from the child’s parent or guardian.  Infant children should be collected and returned to school by an adult.

The school’s midday supervisory assistants supervise the children during the lunch break. Each week a different year group will have lunch first. This is shown in brackets after the week beginning date.

If you are in receipt of Income Support, Income-Based Jobseekers Allowance, an income-related Employment and Support Allowance, support under VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999, Guarantee element of State Pension Credit or Child Tax Credit (not including Working Tax Credit), any of your children attending a County School are entitled to Free School Meals. To find out if your child qualifies for free school meals, please check out this link for Free School Meals, to check for free school meal eligibility.