Warren Park Primary School Curriculum Statement
For more detailed individual Year Group information please explore our ‘Children/Year Group Pages’ and ‘COSMIC curriculum’ tabs.
Whole School Curriculum Map 2024-25
Curriculum Intent
At Warren Park Primary School, we create an environment that encourages our children to Listen, Think, Learn and Enjoy. Our curriculum is designed to provide a broad and balanced education that challenges and meets the needs of all children. It provides opportunities for children to develop as independent, confident and successful learners with high aspirations who know how to make a positive contribution to their community and the wider society. Our curriculum has been carefully planned to ensure that it is ambitious, sequenced and coherent. It provides children with the knowledge, skills and experiences that they need to be successful lifelong learners and happy productive citizens. Opportunities to develop spiritual, moral, cultural and social learning are interwoven throughout the curriculum to ensure our children adopt an appreciation of diversity and richness of spirituality in cultures across the world.
Our intention is:
- To support all children to reach a high standard of literacy and numeracy skills through specific teaching and application across the curriculum.
- To encourage children to develop a love of reading for pleasure.
- To maximise opportunities to develop vocabulary and language.
- To provide a challenging and engaging curriculum which is planned to enable children to build on previous learning and secure strong foundations for future learning.
- To support learners to become procedurally fluent within subject specific concepts and to embed their knowledge in their long-term memory.
- To extend learning beyond the classroom through the effective use of resources including the school grounds, our outdoor classroom, the local area and through planned use of visits and visitors.
- To provide a curriculum underpinned by our six strand values: boundaries, resilience, focus, respect, self-regulation and independence.
- To promote the diversity of life and celebrate difference creating a culture of respect for all.
- To sustain personal and social development whilst ensuring children’s well-being is at the heart of all we do.
Curriculum Implementation
Our three teacher model enables us to achieve this through strong consistent teaching which supports, guides and inspires our children while encouraging a love for learning. Subjects within the curriculum are well-planned and sequenced within a progressive curriculum map which contains the key concepts, knowledge and skills children require to master the subject. The curriculum enables the children to develop skills, share ideas, express their opinions and apply knowledge and skills learned in a wide range of purposeful contexts.
- Teachers have good knowledge of the subjects they teach and refine their knowledge and skills through attending training, sharing best practice and undertaking relevant research.
- Subject leaders provide colleagues with effective support for planning, resourcing, teaching and assessment.
- Reading is prioritised to allow children to access and benefit from the entire curriculum.
- Lessons provide frequent opportunities for discussion to extend and deepen thinking, check understanding, address misconceptions and provide clear and direct feedback.
- Teachers provide regular opportunities for retrieval practice.
- Teachers use assessment effectively to check understanding and inform next steps so that knowledge is gained, consolidated and applied.
- Where possible, learning will be supported and enriched by field study, visits, workshops, artefact boxes, role-play and practical resources.
Curriculum Impact
From very different starting points, children are supported to make the best progress they can academically, emotionally, creatively, socially and physically. This seven year journey leads to strong academic performance at the end of Key Stage 2.
Success is celebrated in a wide range of ways including through personal feedback, sharing assemblies, certificates, sharing work with leaders across the school, parents visits and meetings.
Knowledge, understanding and skills are secured and embedded so that children are fully prepared to embrace secondary school and 21st century life after their time at Warren Park.