In PSHE our learning focus has been safe relationships. We have been looking at seeking and giving permission, who we can trust online, sharing photos and appropriate and inappropriate touch.
Year 1
In this session we are learning about what being online may look like, the different feelings we can experience online and how to identify adults who can help. The children watched a cartoon and then open-ended questions were asked to engage children and check their understanding.
Retrieval Questions and key vocab:
How to identify an adult you can trust?
How does your trusted adult help you to feel better?
Key vocab:
Feelings, help, private, uncomfortable, safe, unsafe, permission online, bullying, feelings, differences, secrets, uncomfortable, worried.
Year 2
In this session we focused on understanding that photos can be shared online, the importance of seeking permission before sharing a photo and how to identify and approach adults who can help.
Retrieval Questions and key vocab:
Can anyone explain what it means to ‘share’ a picture?
Can you be bullied online?
What should you do and whom to tell if they see or experience hurtful behaviour?
What is good about being able to access the internet?
Is all information on the internet true?
Key vocab:
Feelings, help, private, uncomfortable, safe, unsafe, permission, online, bullying, feelings, differences, secrets, uncomfortable, worried
Year 3
With Year 3 the aim was to learn what it means to ask for permission. Children learned the skills and knowledge to say why I should ask other people for permission in different situations, including when touching someone else and use simple phrases to ask for, give or not give permission.
Retrieval Questions:
Whether someone decides to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ how could they remain positive?
Why should someone ask permission before they try and hold your hand?
Key vocab:
family, classmates, boundaries, respect, safe, behaviour, bullying
Year 4:
In Year 4 pupils discussed the importance of asking for permission in different contexts, and how to ask for, give, or not give permission respectfully.
Retrieval questions:
What does ‘asking for permission’ mean?
How might someone ask for permission?
Why is it important to ask for permission?
Key vocab:
differentiate, experiences, bullying, dares, pressures, confidence, harmful, pretending
Years 5
With Year 5 the aim was to focus on personal boundaries and how these might be different for different people. Pupils learn how to respect the boundaries of others, enforce their own boundaries, and seek help if they have been made to feel uncomfortable.
Retrieval Questions:
What does the person mean when they say “personal space”?
Key vocab:
permission, contact, uncomfortable, unacceptable, secret, worried, concerned
Year 6
In Year 6 pupils focused on appropriate and inappropriate touch and who to tell if physical contact feels unsafe or uncomfortable. Pupils learn how to identify the difference between appropriate and inappropriate touch and strategies for responding to unwanted physical contact.
Retrieval questions:
What might they feel on the outside?
What might they feel on the inside?
Key vocab:
friendship, pressure, dares, unsafe, worried, guidance, support