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WK 1 – PSHE -Belonging to a community

Year 1

In Year 1 we focused on ensuring that the pupils understand the concept of uniqueness and special qualities. The lesson started by showing pictures of different animals and asking the students to identify the unique qualities of each animal. We then introduced the concept of uniqueness and special qualities by discussing similarities and differences among students.

Retrieval Questions

  1. What makes you unique?
  2. Can you share something special about yourself?
  3. Why is it important to celebrate differences?

 Key Vocabulary with Definitions

  • Unique: Being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else.
  • Special Qualities: Unique characteristics or traits that make someone or something different from others.

Year 2

Year 2 students recognise both the similarities and differences between themselves and others, and to understand and appreciate the commonalities shared among individuals. We started the lesson with a group discussion about the concept of ‘similarities and differences. The students were encouraged to share their thoughts and experiences.

Retrieval Questions

  1. Can you think of something that makes you unique?
  2. What are some things that all people have in common?

 Key Vocabulary with Definitions

  • Similarities: Things that are the same or alike
  • Differences: Things that are not the same; things that are distinct

Year 3

To engage the students, the lesson began with a brief discussion about different groups or communities to which they might belong, such as family, school, or clubs. This encouraged the pupils to think about the various groups they are part of and what it means to belong.

Retrieval Questions

  1. What are some of the groups or communities you belong to?
  2. Why is it important to feel like you belong to a group or community?
  3. How does belonging to a community make you feel?

Key Vocabulary with Definitions

  • Community: A group of people living together in one place, or a group having a particular characteristic in common.
  • Belonging: The feeling of being included and accepted within a group or community.
  • Support: Help or encouragement given to someone.

Year 4

In Year 4 the pupils began with a brief class discussion on what personal identity means to them. This allowed them to share their initial thoughts and experiences. The teachers presented key vocabulary related to personal identity, such as “diversity”, “identity”, “culture”, “heritage”, “expression”, and “belonging”.

Retrieval Questions

  • How does your personal identity connect with broader concepts such as historical, cultural, or political influences?
  • How do these concepts shape your identity?

Key Vocabulary with Definitions

  • Diversity: The range of differences among people, including differences in culture, language, ethnicity, and more.
  • Identity: The qualities, beliefs, personality, looks, and/or expressions that make a person or a group different from others.
  • Culture: The customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular group of people.
  • Heritage: The traditions, beliefs, and objects that are part of the history of a group or a family.
  • Expression: The act of making one’s thoughts, feelings, or ideas known, often through words, actions, or creativity.
  • Belonging: The feeling of being connected or accepted within a group, community, or culture.

Year 5

In Year 5 the aim was to teach pupils to recognise the ways in which stereotyping can negatively impact on attitudes towards different groups of people. The pupils challenged the assumptions that underpin stereotyping.

Retrieval Questions

What do you know and understand about the word stereotype?

Key vocab

resources, protecting, environment, actions, compassion, responsibility

Year 6

In year 6, the pupils considered the various ways in which people may be influenced by those around them, how this can sometimes be in a negative way and the impact it can have on their attitudes and behaviours. The lesson helped pupils recognise times when they or their friends might be more vulnerable to external influences and how this can increase their susceptibility to prejudiced or extremist views.

Retrieval Questions

What does the word prejudice mean?

What does the word extremism or extremist mean?

How might someone holding extreme views affect or influence others?

Key vocab

prejudice, discrimination, challenge, stereotypes, influence