Indoor PE | Wednesday afternoon |
Outdoor Games | Friday afternoon |
PPA/COSMIC | Thursday afternoon |
Library | Tuesday afternoon |
Year 6 – Curriculum Map 2024-25
Reward Trip 1: Staunton Park Farm
A great morning was had by all on our first reward trip to Staunton Park Farm on Friday 25th October. The weather held out for us, and we took a wonder through our local area – admiring all the Halloween decorations along the way. Once there, we pretty much had the farm to ourselves and we enjoyed a few hours in the lovely surrounding and in the superb company of many a four-legged, furry friend. The alpacas did not disappoint and the goats were hilarious – even if some of us did return with less of our coats than we went with! But, it was Eliza the Jersey cow who stole the show. She was lavished with affection and, in turn, lavished us with lots of wet, sloppy kisses. All in all, we had a great time and are looking forward to another reward trip before Christmas – Watch this space!
Year 6 at The Mayflower, Southampton for WAR HORSE
Thursday 17th October 2024
By David
Yesterday, we went to the Mayflower in Southampton on an educational trip to see the theatre production of War Horse. My peers and I went because we will be reading the book after half term. Also, we will learn about World War One in many other subjects such as Art and History.
When the show started, I thought it would be boring and I would fall asleep or come close to it. But, as soon as it started, I realised how detailed the story actually was with parts of it funny, happy and sad all rolled into one. My favourite part was when Albert managed to train Joey to plough and my most emotional part was when Joey almost got shot and Albert was blinded by the gas. The horse puppets were made to look so realistic that if I ever see a horse that is called Joey, I will always think of the puppet version.
At the end, I felt so emotional that I wanted to cry but I managed to keep it in me. I was baffled when it ended and I wanted the story to continue. I hope to learn more about how the soldiers cope with the extreme conditions where they fought. Overall, I loved the story and I now really want to read the book!
By Teddy
As Year 6, we visited the Mayflower which is in Southampton, to see War Horse. We went to it because we will be reading it in English. We are also getting close to the Remembrance Day commemorations which is on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day, of the eleventh month.
When we entered the theatre, I was blown away! The plush, velvet seats shone with their red lining. Our seats were in the stalls (the group of seats that are closest to the stage) and I was super excited because I didn’t know what it would be like. My favourite character was Joey because he was brought to life so well with his puppeteers. They did it by them moving his tail, moving his head and ears and even breathing for him. The most emotional part was when Topthorn died because I was devastated when he collapsed and died and Joey was in misery. My favourite part was when Joey and Albert were reunited at the hospital.
After I got out of my seat, I thought it was a phenomenal show full of sadness. I felt absolutely amazed because it brought the animals to life so beautifully. Finally, I would like to learn more about the conditions of the life in the trenches for all of the young soldiers.
Welcome to Year 6
Firstly, we would like to say how lucky we feel to be able to teach your children for their last year at Warren Park – it really is a special year. We will do our best to make sure that their time in Year 6 is both challenging and enjoyable, and we hope that by the time they leave us in July, they will have many special memories to take with them.
There are a few details for this year that we’d like to let you know about:
We look forward to seeing all the children looking fresh and smart in their school uniforms this year, and we aim to maintain the good start throughout the school year. With secondary school and their clear expectations around uniform on the horizon, we will be challenging any children who seem to be repeatedly without the correct uniform. Of course, we are sympathetic to any breakfast disasters or washing machine malfunctions but it is easy to fall into bad habits, and we will be vigilant to ensure everyone is looking super smart in their uniforms this year. Please look at the school website or contact the school office with any queries.
PE Information
Our outdoor PE afternoon is on a Friday and our indoor PE afternoon is on a Wednesday. We would ask that the children continue to wear their PE kits to school on both days. Their PE kit should consist of a pair of shorts whilst it’s warmer, and then a pair of tracksuit bottoms or leggings for colder months – either in grey, blue or black. An ordinary school t-shirt and jumper will be fine for them to wear on the top. We ask that PE kits remain in school colours only. Football kits, colours other than blue/black/grey bottoms / white tee-shirt and clothing with motifs or labels are not acceptable PE kit. Suitable trainers for PE should also be worn, too. We would also ask that the children do not wear any jewellery on their PE either.
Home Reading
Your child has a new Home Reading Record for the year. As we did last year, we kindly ask that these Home Reading Records are carefully looked after when they are at home – along with the reading book that they will accompany. The school has made a huge investment into reading books over the last few years and we ask you to value the books at home as much as we do in school. Please be assured that we will be working hard to make sure the children begin on a suitable book band colour, especially to encourage fluency and confidence to begin with. These bands will be under regular review so don’t be surprised if they seem to move quite quickly through the colours this term! We ask that Home Reading Records come in only once a week, on a Friday, when they will be checked and signed off in the normal way. The expectation from us is that the children read a minimum of three times a week at home. If, for any reason, you feel this is not achievable at home, please let us know as soon as possible.
Mobile Phones
We appreciate that as the children are getting older, many of them are walking to and from school alone. It is completely reasonable, therefore, that they should have their mobile phones with them for these journeys. We also understand that they may be other circumstances whereby you may feel it necessary to send your child to school with their mobile phone on a particular day. In all other cases, may we ask that children do not bring their phones to school with them. When arriving at the school gate, children’s mobile phones must be switched off. They must then be handed directly into the office, where they will be kept safely until they can be collected by the children after the bell has gone at 3:15pm. The children may not keep them in their own bag all day. We view this very strongly with regards to safeguarding, and any deliberate attempts by the children to keep hold of their phones during the day will be taken very seriously.
Reward Points
We will be running a Reward Points system in Year 6 this year. The children will have the opportunity to earn 3 points per day towards a reward treat or trip at the end of every half term. Authorised absences and holidays will earn 2 points per day missed. And, of course, points could be lost for any behaviour issues, including use of unacceptable language. A 5-point star award is also on offer every day for outstanding contribution – this could be in class or it could be for exemplary behaviour or empathy. Although our ethos in Year 6 is very much based around the team, there is, of course, a chance that one or more children may not earn enough points to attend the reward trip. If this happens, they will be expected to remain in school with one of us for the day – and it is vital that you support us in this as we prepare the children for their transition secondary school. Please ask your child to explain further, especially about some of the ideas they have had for rewards! And if you have any further questions regarding this matter, please come and talk to us about it sooner rather than later.
Secondary School
I know it seems a little early to be mentioning it, but your child’s secondary school application must be submitted by the end of October. You will be contacted, via letter, by the County Council about the process – it’s all online now and very simple to complete. You now have the not so straightforward job of actually making the decision as to where you will send them when they leave us. To help you in this process, the secondary schools usually hold a series of open evening events which you will be able to find if you look on their websites. Over the past few years, we have had our children move on to many local secondaries. Schools you may wish to consider are: Park Community School, Havant Academy, Crookhorn College and Warblington School. This is certainly not the complete list of schools in and around the area. The Hampshire County Council website will provide you with further options should you require something different.
Parent Drop In
Please drop in and see us all on the afternoon of Monday 16th September, anytime between 2pm and 3pm. This will be a very informal opportunity for you to come up into the classrooms during an ordinary working day and the see the children in action. They will be able to share some of the work they have started and talk you through the new routines – now that they are officially Year 6 and top of the school! There will also be the very informal opportunity to ask us any questions you may have about how the year will progress, now that we have started. And who knows, we might even get you involved in a bit of art or a bit of geography! We look forward to catching up with you then…
Key Dates:
- Parent Drop in afternoon: Monday 16th September 2pm – 3pm
- Park Taster Day: Wednesday 18th September (details to follow)
- War Horse theatre trip: Thursday 17th October (details to follow)
- SATs Week: Monday 12th May – Friday 16th May 2025
Our ethos in Year 6 is very much centred on ‘the team’. We do the great things together, we do the good things together, and we get the hard work done together. Yes, there will be tough times when things get difficult – but there will also be some truly amazing times that will make life-long memories to cherish…
Finally, and as always, we are on hand if you have any queries. Please don’t hesitate to contact us, however small you may consider your concern. See you soon…
With our best wishes,