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Newsletter – October Half Term 2024

We hope that you have a fantastic half term break with your children. We have included a list of dates in this letter and they are also available on our website calendar.


Thank you so much for the many generous gifts for our Harvest collection. We are finishing this half term with a special Harvest assembly and these gifts will then be given to our local foodbank.

Parents’ Evenings

We are really looking forward to welcoming you into school to meet with your child’s teacher during Parents’ Evenings on Wednesday 6th November and Wednesday 13th November 2024.

This is an opportunity for you to meet your child’s teacher, find out how they are settling into their new class and consider how we can support them to make the best progress possible during this academic year. These are very important meetings and we would urge all parents to sign up.

*Please note Year 4’s Parents Evenings will be Wednesday 6th November (Mrs Patterson) and Tuesday 19th November 2024 (Mrs Jennings). All bookings will show as booked with Mrs Jennings, however, if you book for Wednesday 6th November your appointment will be with Mrs Patterson*.

Appointments can be made using the Arbor system following the instructions which were sent by email and as a hard copy letter. Please don’t hesitate to contact the school office if you require any assistance with making an appointment.

Poppy appeal

We are pleased to be supporting The Royal British Legion once again this year with their poppy appeal. We will be selling poppies in the school office for a donation as well as a number of additional items which are priced between £1.00 and £1.50.

Children in Need (CiN)

On Friday 15th November we will have a wear what you would like day (suitable for school) which could include pyjamas to support the BBC Children in Need appeal – donations for CiN will be very gratefully received on the day. As the children will still go outside for break and lunch time, it is really important that they are warm and have sensible footwear. From Monday 11th November we will have some Children in Need merchandise such as pens, wrist bands and Pudsey ears for sale at the school office.

Parent Focus Group

The next Parent Focus Group will take place on Wednesday 4th December at 5pm. Miss Tester and Mr Jones, from our COSMIC team, joined us at the last session to share information about their curriculum including Relationships and Sex Education. At the next meeting we will have a focus on SEND support and provision. There is also an opportunity to ask questions and to suggest topics for future meetings that you would like to find out more about. We look forward to seeing you over a tea or coffee.

Warren Park Parents, Friends and Teachers Association (PFTA)

We are absolutely delighted that our Warren Park Parents Friends and Teachers Association is now officially up and running following their AGM on Tuesday 15th October. Emma Collis is the Chairperson and Rachael Collett is Treasurer. We are looking for a third committee member to join us as Secretary. If you would like to be involved in anyway, please email the PFTA at with your contact details.

Thank you to everyone who has been using the Asda Cashpot for Schools scheme – you have already raised more than £750 which is just incredible! If you shop at Asda and are able to nominate Warren Park we will be hugely grateful as the scheme still has another 36 days to run.

Reception School Places 2025

We are currently showing round any parents who would like to visit our school with a view to children starting in September 2025. Applications need to be completed by January 15th 2025. As has been reported in the media, this cohort is a low birth year nationally and so we are very likely to have places available for children wishing to join Warren Park.

Inset days 2024 / 25

Just a reminder that Friday 29th November 2024, Monday 21st July and Tuesday 22nd July 2025 are inset days and school will be closed for the children.

Please see the dates list below.

With very best wishes,

Elizabeth Cooper

School Sports Reports – October 2024

Boys’ Football – 2nd Place

Our Year Six boys arrived with hopes high and they did not disappoint. In their 7 matches, they were undefeated and only conceded one goal. Unfortunately, the boys did not score the goals necessary to grab the victories they needed.

The boys will no doubt look to rectify this and bring their expansive brand of football to future tournaments.

Well done boys – an excellent representation of Warren Park Primary School.

Girls’ Football – 3rd Place

Our Year Six girls entered with a mix of experienced footballers and newcomers to the game. The inexperience did not show as they picked up two brilliant wins and two hard fought draws – this went along with two losses to the teams above them in the league.

The girls showed great determination, energy and aggression and on another day, could have turned the draws into victories!

A fabulous effort from all involved. Well done girls!

Mixed Netball – 5th Place

With no training behind us and many newcomers to the sport, we entered the tournament expecting a hard time.

After our first tricky game, and excusing a tough result against the eventual champions, the other four games were superb. Four games which we drew or lost by a single point were not a fair reflection of how well the team played. Some wonderful shooting and some inspired play from our GK meant we deserved more.

What a brilliant performance from all. You should be very proud!

Newsletter – October 2024

Thank you to the many of you who have recently attended our year group parent events. We hope that you enjoyed seeing how well your children have settled into their new year groups and had a chance to meet the teaching teams.

Online Safety Workshops

We are absolutely delighted to be working with Lee Haywood, an online safety expert, once again this year. Lee has a wealth of up to date knowledge and expertise that he will be able to share in sessions with our junior children as well as with parents through workshops.

The COSMIC team have sent further information regarding these workshops: Thursday 10th October Lee will work with year 6 children

Friday 11th October Lee will work with year 4 children

Friday 11th October at 2pm will be the first workshop for parents Friday 11th October at 3.20pm will be the second workshop for parents Tuesday 15th October Lee will work with year 3 and year 5 children

The workshop will provide valuable insights into keeping your children safe online so please do complete the slip attached to the letter from COSMIC and join us on Friday afternoon. Mr Jones will be available to look after any Warren Park children during the 3.20 – 4.20pm session so that parents can attend.

Parent Focus Group

The next Parent Focus Group will take place on Friday 11th October at 1.15 – 2pm. Miss Tester and Mr Jones, from our COSMIC team, will be joining us to share information about their curriculum. There is also an opportunity to ask questions and to suggest topics for future meetings that you would like to find out more about. Please note the amended time to enable parents to attend the online safety workshop as well as our Focus Group. We look forward to seeing you over a tea or coffee.

Warren Park Parents, Friends and Teachers Association (PFTA)

We hope that you have seen the posters from our wonderful PFTA. They are holding their first AGM on Tuesday 15th October at 2pm in school. They will be voting for a Chair Person, Treasurer and Secretary so that they can begin to plan some fantastic events for our children and community. Please do come along even if you don’t want to be part of the committee as the group are keen to hear your ideas and if you are able to help out in any way at all. This is a great opportunity to meet new people and make a difference to your child’s school experience.

Home / School Communication

Following the letter on Friday from our Governing Body, I would like to reiterate the importance of positive home / school communication. We are so lucky at Warren Park to have such a talented and committed staff team who are dedicated to ensuring that your children have the best school experience. If you ever have questions or concerns please do raise these with your

child’s class teacher, Year Leader, Mrs Lofting or myself and we will do our very best to help you and your child. While Facebook can be a helpful platform for sharing information, it is not a good way of resolving any concerns you may have for your children, especially if the school has not been informed about your worries. The partnership between home and school is a very important one which supports your child to get the most from their education whether this is through academic learning, friendships or being part of a community. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have a question or query.

Academic Pupil Achievement

Later this term, pupil performance data will be published by the Department for Education. We are really proud of our children’s outcomes by the end of their 7 year journey with us. We remain well above the national average in all of the key areas of reading, writing, maths as well as with the phonics check in Year 1 and the multiplication check in Year 4. The details of these results will be available on our website shortly.


We would like to say a really big thank you for supporting us with attendance. This year has seen a significant improvement on the same time last year. This has enabled your children to settle in really well, reconnect with their friends and be successful in their learning. Please do make contact if you have any worries about your child’s attendance or punctuality.

Parents’ Evenings

Wednesday 6th and Wednesday 13th November will be our first Parents’ Evenings. This will be an opportunity to reflect on how your child is settling into their new year group, share their progress so far this year and discuss any areas that home and school can support them with during the rest of this academic year. Further information to follow.

Reception School Places 2025

We are currently showing round any parents who would like to visit our school with a view to children starting in September 2025. Applications need to be completed by January 15th 2025. As has been reported in the media, this cohort is a low birth year nationally and so we will have places available for children wishing to join Warren Park.

Inset days 2024 / 25

Just a reminder that Friday 29th November 2024, Monday 21st July and Tuesday 22nd July 2025 are inset days and school will be closed for the children.

We look forward to seeing you at one of the forthcoming events.

With very best wishes,

Elizabeth Cooper

Newsletter – September 2024

We hope you enjoyed the summer break and are delighted to welcome you back to an exciting new school year. Our Reception children have joined us for their first day today which has been fantastic and so wonderful to see so many smiling faces. Thank you for making sure that the children have returned looking incredibly smart in their school uniform. We look forward to seeing you in school this year and have some exciting ways that you can become really involved in the life of the school and your child’s journey through Warren Park.

Welcome Back Year Group Parent Invitation

Each year group will be sending parent/carers an invitation to visit their child’s new year group. We hope that this will give you an early opportunity to meet your child’s teachers and see the children in action at school. The dates for each year group are below and there will be a further opportunity to talk to the teachers at the Parents’ Evening appointments in November.

Parent Invitation September 2024
Year Date Time Event
R 18.10.24 3.15 pm COSMIC Workshop
1 23.9.24 2.30 pm Reading café in the hall.
2 30.9.24 2.30 pm Times tables introduction in the hall
3 19.9.24 2.30 pm Reading café in the hall
4 17.9.24 2.30 pm Geography treasure hunt in the hall
5 20.9.24 2.30 pm Book share/Avon Tyrell sharing

In the hall

6 16.9.24 2 – 3 pm Drop in afternoon art / geography

in class

Parent Focus Group and PFTA

I would like to thank all of the parents who have been involved in getting our Warren Park Parents, Friends and Teachers Association up and running. Please see the message from Rachael and Emma below and please do come along to the AGM. The more parents that are involved, the more events we can plan for our children which is very exciting.

Please do also sign up for the Asda Cashpot for Schools as this could really help us to raise funds for the PFTA’s first project!

The first Parent Focus Group will take place on Friday 11th October at 2pm. This is an open forum to ask questions and find out more about the school. Miss Tester, Leader of the COSMIC team, will be joining us to share information about her curriculum. We look forward to seeing you over a tea or coffee.

Warren Park Parents, Friends and Teachers Association (PFTA)

Hi, we’re Rachael and Emma and we’re both parents of children in Year 3 and Year R. We have been part of a ‘steering group’ to help set up the school’s first PFTA. 

 We are hoping to get our PFTA up and running this year and start fundraising to support the school. At the moment Asda are running a ‘Cashpot for Schools’ initiative and Warren Park currently have £156.03 in our cashpot since it started last week. This initiative runs until 30th Nov and a small % of your total spend gets added every time you shop. 

However, we can only access this cashpot if we have a PTA who are registered with Parentkind (PTA support). Luckily, we are already registered with Parentkind so we are half way there. 

On Tuesday 15th October 2-3pm at the school we will be holding our very first AGM to vote in committee members so we can access the funds. This is an open event for everyone regardless of whether you want to formally join the committee or not. We need as many people there as possible to help us vote in committee members. 

 We have lots of great ideas to help raise funds to benefit our children, however we realise we need to take things slowly at the beginning and really need your support to help our PFTA grow. 

 We really hope to see as many of you as possible on Tuesday 15th October, we’ll bring tea and biscuits!

We are very much looking forward to working in partnership with you again this academic year to make sure that your children have the very best possible educational journey that we can provide. Please remember that Mrs Lofting and I are available if you have any queries or questions.

With very best wishes,

Elizabeth Cooper

Newsletter – June 2024

With the sun finally shining, we are looking forward to sharing a really exciting end to the school year with you and your children.

Hot weather

We are expecting some more hot and sunny days before the end of term so please do make sure that your child is well covered with sun block before coming into school. Adults in school will remind children about using sun block but cannot take responsibility for applying it. Please also ensure that your child has a water bottle with them every day.

Parent Focus Group

Thank you to the parents who attended our last Parent Focus Group. They have been doing some amazing work behind the scenes to begin setting up a Friends of Warren Park (FoWP) which was a key part of the discussion at the meeting. The group also talked about topics for discussion at future meetings and suggested areas where they would like to find out more about how school systems work such as the reward systems that we run in school. We have agreed that we will trial having half termly meetings with the first being held in the afternoon at 2pm and the following meeting being held at 5pm to enable working parents to attend. Our next meeting will take place on Monday 8th July at 5pm. We will review progress towards the launch of FoWP and our school Facebook page as well as provide information about the reward systems that we use in school. If you would like to become more involved in school life at Warren Park we would love to see you. Our parent governors will also be there so please do come along and join us for tea, coffee and discussion.

Open afternoon drop in / Reports

On Wednesday 10th July you are invited to visit your child’s class at any time between 3.30 – 4.45 pm to see their workbooks for this year. The teachers will be available for general discussion but if you have a particular matter regarding your child, please arrange a separate appointment through the school office. You may also like to take the opportunity to pop in to your child’s new classroom and say hello to their new teachers. Before the end of term your child will be given their school report and we hope that you will enjoy celebrating their achievements with them.

Phonics Check / Multiplication check

Children in Year 1 have recently taken the national phonics check and we are so proud of them all. They have been working very hard in their Monster Phonics sessions which provide those first important steps to reading fluently and independently. The number of children who passed the check was well above the national average.

Year 4 children have recently taken part in the national Multiplication Check which is an online individual assessment of their times-tables knowledge. The children have been working incredibly hard both at school and home in preparation and this has truly paid off as their results were absolutely phenomenal and again well above the national average.

Disco / Summer Ball

On Thursday 4th July the Infant disco will take place directly after school until 4.15pm. Those children who are attending will simply stay behind at the end of the day. The infant children do not need to wear school uniform on this day and can choose an outfit that is suitable for both school and the disco. The disco for children in years 3, 4 and 5 will take place between 4.30 – 5.45pm. Year 6 children will have their very special evening of dancing and celebration at their Summer Ball on Thursday 18th July.

Beauty and the Beast

Year 6 are currently working extremely hard on their performance of Beauty and the Beast which they will perform at 7.30pm on Monday 15th July, Tuesday 16th July and Wednesday 17th July. Tickets are available on Arbor at £6.00 each and are selling fast!

Sports Days

We are looking forward to seeing you at the remaining sports days. For safeguarding reasons, the school gates won’t be opened for the picnic until 12.30pm and the children will return to class at 1pm for their registers. The sports day events will commence at 1.15pm.

Sports Team Carousel

Please ensure that your child comes to school in their PE kit on Friday 12th July as they will be participating within their monkey team on a range of team sports challenges. If they can wear something in their team colour that would be fantastic and add to the atmosphere of the event.


In September we will be welcoming two new teachers, Mrs Hannah Dinnis and Mrs Erin McEvoy-Sykes, to the Warren Park Family. They are both joining us from other schools where they have gained significant experience and will be visiting to meet their new classes before the end of term.

Non-uniform day

The last day of term (Friday 19th July) will be a non-uniform day and the children can choose what they would like to wear to school. Please make sure that tee-shirts cover shoulders and that your child is wearing appropriate footwear.

Inset days 2024 / 25

The new school year will begin on Wednesday 4th September for the children as Monday 2nd and Tuesday 3rd September will be Inset days.

New Reception children will begin school full time Wednesday 11th September.

Friday 29th November 2024, Monday 21st July and Tuesday 22nd July 2025 will also be inset days and school will be closed for the children.

With very best wishes,

Elizabeth Cooper