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Year 3

Indoor PE Thursday afternoon
Outdoor Games Monday afternoon
PPA/COSMIC Tuesday morning
Library Wednesday afternoon

Year 3 – Curriculum Map 2023-24

Summer Term

Design and Technology


Archaeological Dig

Welcome back to the Summer Term, if only the sunshine knew it was the Summer Term! We have an exciting and busy term planned based around our Geography unit of Volcanoes. Hopefully your children have come home telling you about Africa and where in the World the Democratic Republic of Congo is. Later in the term, we will be making models of volcanoes in art and will ask the children to bring in a small plastic bottle.

A big thank you, both Crocodiles and Alligators have seen an improvement in their attendance over the Spring term and were lucky enough to enjoy reward afternoons. We hope that this continues throughout the summer term.

Hopefully as the warmer weather approaches we will be able to take more of our PE lessons outside; can we ask that you ensure your child is wearing summer PE kit and appropriate footwear in school to be able to run around safely.

Thank you for your continued support, we look forward to seeing you later in term at sports days, picnic and open afternoons but please don’t hesitate to catch us at the door if you need anything.

The Year 3 Team

Email the Year 3 Team at

Autumn Term Archive

Welcome to Year 3!

We are so excited to be back to school after the summer break and are looking forward to launching the children’s journey through the Juniors.  We have been so impressed with how well the children have come back, how they have settled into new routines, their new classes and embraced life in Year 3.

We would like to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves and share some key information with you.

Our Team:

Mrs Mulligan

Mrs Bannard

Mrs Benford

Miss Clunie

Miss Hext

Mrs Kirk

Mrs Forster

Things to bring into school

We have limited storage space.  Please only allow your child to bring in:

  • Packed lunch box / bag (If they have packed lunch)
  • A named water bottle
  • A warm coat (if it is cold)
  • Reading and Times Table record books

In Year 3 children are not provided with a snack for morning playtime but they are welcome to bring in a piece of fruit or some chopped up fruit or vegetables in a plastic tub.

Things not to bring into school

We kindly ask that children don’t bring in:

  • Large rucksacks, bags or P.E. bags. (This helps us avoid clutter.)
  • Cuddly toys and other things such as pencil cases and play things.


We have some great units of work planned for this year and have wasted no time in getting going. Hopefully, your child will have come home telling you about our English texts, ‘Leon and the Place Between,’ and ‘The Magical Yet’ or shared the walk we went on to find an ideal place for a Stone Age settlement. We will post some pictures of our first week on the website.

Some of the things we will be learning about within the wider curriculum this term include; Forces and Magnets, the journey from Stone Age to Iron Age, different painting techniques and basic computer programming. The children will also be having weekly Spanish lessons.

As part of our History unit we are hoping to take the children to Butser Ancient Farm in November, we will send a letter out when dates are confirmed.

Our day with the COSMIC team is Tuesday.


Indoor PE – Thursday

Outside Games – Monday

We ask that your child is sent into school wearing their PE kit on their PE days.

We kindly ask that PE kit consists of a plain white polo shirt or t-shirt, worn with either shorts or tracksuit bottoms that are blue, grey or black.  Normal Warren Park sweatshirts and cardigans can be worn. We would ask that children do not wear football kits, colours other than blue/black/grey for bottoms and any clothing with motifs or labels. On PE/Games days the children must wear trainers or plimsoles not their school shoes. We have spare kit in the year group for any children that do not come in wearing appropriate PE kit.

Earrings should not be worn to school on PE days. If they are newly pierced then you should send your child in with surgical tape covering them. We only allow small stud earrings in school at any time and sleepers or dangly earrings are not permitted for health and safety reasons.


As with all year groups, reading is an absolute top priority for us; it’s the key that opens the doorway to the whole curriculum. We will endeavour to hear your child read every day, either individually or as part of a group. We will also be setting reading challenges and spending lots of time enjoying reading books for pleasure. We ask that you support our work in school by hearing your child read at home as often as possible. Our school home reading policy states that all children should read to an adult at least three times a week at home. Reading a few pages and discussing what they have read will really support the work we are doing in class. We ask that children bring their reading record in everyday, we will record their weekly reads on a Friday and then will celebrate and reward reads at the end of the day on Friday. Children who do not read at home will be invited to come along to our weekly reading club at playtime. Unfortunately, there is a charge for lost books and reading records. Working together will ensure we maximise your child’s progress.


Children will bring home a set of spellings to practice at home every Monday. After a week of practicing at home and in school the children will be tested on a Monday in class.

Times Tables

Children also have a ‘Times-Tables Record’.  This is to be used by you and your child to record their Tables practise.  The record contains some ideas about how you can practise at home.  Children are expected to practise their Tables a minimum of 3 times per week and bring their record book in everyday, we will record and celebrate their weekly practice on a Friday.

Within the classroom there is a tray set up with times tables practice activities, tasks and worksheets that the children can help themselves to. The children can also access Times Tables Rockstars online using their Wonde login.


Behaviour is managed as per the school behaviour policy.  We have many incentives in place to reward and celebrate positive behaviour. We also have our zone-board in both classrooms which is used to support our approach to behaviour.  If your child finishes the day at the top of the board as ‘King or Queen of the Jungle’ they earn credits towards educational rewards.  On rare occasions a child may finish the day at the bottom of the zone board and in these instances, they may be asked to stay in during break time on the following day.

Year 3 is the start of an exciting journey through the juniors for your child. To help ensure they get the most out of their journey, we work very hard at developing their independence, whether this is learning to tie their shoe laces, remembering their reading records or taking responsibility for the items in their pencil case. We ask that this is something you support us in.

 Just a reminder about our start times; gates will now open at 8:40 and we will open our classroom doors at 8:45. For pick-up the gates open at 3:05 and we will open our doors at 3:15. We ask that no parents are on site until gates are officially opened.

We are looking forward to working together over the coming year to achieve the best for your child.  Whilst we make every effort to answer questions at drop-off and pick-up, we might not always be able to chat at these times.  If we are unable to answer questions at these times, we can also be contacted by email or phone so please don’t hesitate to write or call if there is something you would like to discuss.

Our email will be checked regularly.

With our warmest regards,

                        Year 3 Team

A Great Start

We’ve had a great start to life in year 3.

Here are a few of the exciting things we’ve been doing.

Stone Age Art

Butser Ancient Farm

English – Tea Monkey


Spring Term Archive



Art Competition

African Drumming



Happy New Year!

We hope you had a fantastic Christmas and are ready for an exciting Spring Term. As we begin 2024, we wanted to update you with some key information.

Daily Routines

We ask that you ensure:

  • All clothing is named to avoid any lost jumpers and cardigans.
  • A named plastic water bottle is brought in daily, containing water.
  • Reading records are brought into school daily

We would also ask for children not to bring in back packs as we have no room on pegs and have limited space. The pegs we have are only big enough to hold your child’s coats.

P.E. Days

Our PE days continue to be every Monday and Thursday. Please ensure that your child is sent into school wearing their PE kit. On P.E. days, we kindly ask that your child wears their normal Warren Park polo shirt and jumper / cardigan with either shorts or tracksuit bottoms (blue, grey or black preferred if possible). For safety, suitable footwear like trainers or plimsoles is essential. If your child is unable to wear school PE kit then we have spare in school for them to change into.


A huge thank you for your support with home reading, 10 minutes reading a day can make such a difference! Reading in Year 3 is an absolute priority for us; it’s the key that opens the doorway to the whole curriculum. We kindly ask for your continued support over the rest of the year by listening to your child read at home a minimum of 3 times a week. Your child does not have to read the entire book, book talk is just as important, read a few pages and talk about the characters and the plot or make some predictions. Although we remind them, it is your child’s responsibility to change their book at the end of the day if they need to. We ask that reading records are bought in on a Friday to be signed off.


Your child will come home with weekly spellings to practise at home. There are lots of fun ways to practise spellings which mirror the strategies we use in school:

  • Rainbow writing                                      – Pyramids
  • Bubble writing SPELLING
  • Write in a sentence I’m amazing at practising my spellings.

Times Tables

There are a variety of ways the children can achieve their 3 times table home practices. All children have their Wonde login will give them access to Times Table Rock Stars online, a safe, secure and fun way to practice multiplication recall and develop sped. We have a drawer of paper activities and games in the classrooms that the children are free to help themselves to at anytime or their practicing might be as simple as counting in 3s as they climb the stairs. We ask that Times Table record books also come in to be checked on a Friday.

Our Spring Term Curriculum


All of our text drivers in the first half term are on the theme of ‘Confidence and Caution’. We are starting with a great text called ‘Black Dog’ by Levi Pinfold and then ‘The Day I Swapped My Dad For A Goldfish’ by Neil Gaiman. We will be using the texts to learn how to write dialogue.

Within our reading lessons we will be using the classic text Pinocchio.


We will be starting off the term by using analogue clocks to learn how to tell the time to five-minute intervals. We will also be continuing with our times table tests and practising our addition and subtraction.


Our science learning will focus on Rocks, where the children will learn about the 3 different types of rocks Metamorphic, Igneous and Sedimentary, exploring their different properties and characteristics. They will investigate fossils and may even get to make their own in order to understand the process of how they are formed.


Our History enquiry is based on the Romans. We will build upon our learning and understanding of the Stone Age and explore the rise of the Roman Empire and it’s impact on Britain. Later in the term, we have a theatre group coming in to work with us.


Our R.E. concept this term is ‘Sacred’ we will be looking at what sacred means and exploring sacred items and places. We are hoping to visit a local church and compare it with a Sikh Gurdwara.


In computing we will be programming Scratch to write algorithms to create a conversation.


We are very fortunate to be having Hampshire Music Service coming in on a Tuesday afternoon this term to teach the children African drumming. We will of course be inviting you in for a concert later in the term.


Our key skill this half term is collage. We will be studying the work of Antoni Gaudi and exploring many fantastic mosaics before creating our own tile coaster.

Please keep an eye on our Year 3 page on the school website where we will upload photos of our learning.

As always, we are always here to help! 😊

If you ever have any questions, please do not hesitate to come and see us and we will be more than happy to help.

Thank you for your continued support.

Year 3 Team