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Monthly Archives: June 2024

Newsletter – June 2024

With the sun finally shining, we are looking forward to sharing a really exciting end to the school year with you and your children.

Hot weather

We are expecting some more hot and sunny days before the end of term so please do make sure that your child is well covered with sun block before coming into school. Adults in school will remind children about using sun block but cannot take responsibility for applying it. Please also ensure that your child has a water bottle with them every day.

Parent Focus Group

Thank you to the parents who attended our last Parent Focus Group. They have been doing some amazing work behind the scenes to begin setting up a Friends of Warren Park (FoWP) which was a key part of the discussion at the meeting. The group also talked about topics for discussion at future meetings and suggested areas where they would like to find out more about how school systems work such as the reward systems that we run in school. We have agreed that we will trial having half termly meetings with the first being held in the afternoon at 2pm and the following meeting being held at 5pm to enable working parents to attend. Our next meeting will take place on Monday 8th July at 5pm. We will review progress towards the launch of FoWP and our school Facebook page as well as provide information about the reward systems that we use in school. If you would like to become more involved in school life at Warren Park we would love to see you. Our parent governors will also be there so please do come along and join us for tea, coffee and discussion.

Open afternoon drop in / Reports

On Wednesday 10th July you are invited to visit your child’s class at any time between 3.30 – 4.45 pm to see their workbooks for this year. The teachers will be available for general discussion but if you have a particular matter regarding your child, please arrange a separate appointment through the school office. You may also like to take the opportunity to pop in to your child’s new classroom and say hello to their new teachers. Before the end of term your child will be given their school report and we hope that you will enjoy celebrating their achievements with them.

Phonics Check / Multiplication check

Children in Year 1 have recently taken the national phonics check and we are so proud of them all. They have been working very hard in their Monster Phonics sessions which provide those first important steps to reading fluently and independently. The number of children who passed the check was well above the national average.

Year 4 children have recently taken part in the national Multiplication Check which is an online individual assessment of their times-tables knowledge. The children have been working incredibly hard both at school and home in preparation and this has truly paid off as their results were absolutely phenomenal and again well above the national average.

Disco / Summer Ball

On Thursday 4th July the Infant disco will take place directly after school until 4.15pm. Those children who are attending will simply stay behind at the end of the day. The infant children do not need to wear school uniform on this day and can choose an outfit that is suitable for both school and the disco. The disco for children in years 3, 4 and 5 will take place between 4.30 – 5.45pm. Year 6 children will have their very special evening of dancing and celebration at their Summer Ball on Thursday 18th July.

Beauty and the Beast

Year 6 are currently working extremely hard on their performance of Beauty and the Beast which they will perform at 7.30pm on Monday 15th July, Tuesday 16th July and Wednesday 17th July. Tickets are available on Arbor at £6.00 each and are selling fast!

Sports Days

We are looking forward to seeing you at the remaining sports days. For safeguarding reasons, the school gates won’t be opened for the picnic until 12.30pm and the children will return to class at 1pm for their registers. The sports day events will commence at 1.15pm.

Sports Team Carousel

Please ensure that your child comes to school in their PE kit on Friday 12th July as they will be participating within their monkey team on a range of team sports challenges. If they can wear something in their team colour that would be fantastic and add to the atmosphere of the event.


In September we will be welcoming two new teachers, Mrs Hannah Dinnis and Mrs Erin McEvoy-Sykes, to the Warren Park Family. They are both joining us from other schools where they have gained significant experience and will be visiting to meet their new classes before the end of term.

Non-uniform day

The last day of term (Friday 19th July) will be a non-uniform day and the children can choose what they would like to wear to school. Please make sure that tee-shirts cover shoulders and that your child is wearing appropriate footwear.

Inset days 2024 / 25

The new school year will begin on Wednesday 4th September for the children as Monday 2nd and Tuesday 3rd September will be Inset days.

New Reception children will begin school full time Wednesday 11th September.

Friday 29th November 2024, Monday 21st July and Tuesday 22nd July 2025 will also be inset days and school will be closed for the children.

With very best wishes,

Elizabeth Cooper