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Monthly Archives: April 2024

Newsletter – April 2024

I do hope that you had an enjoyable Easter break and we are looking forward to the summer term and the children being able to make the most of our beautiful field and grounds. As the summer term is always so busy, I have included quite a few important dates in this letter which will hopefully help you to plan ahead.


Last term Miss Cornish, Art leader, submitted a number of entries to Portsmouth Football Club for the front cover of The Pompey Chimes match day programme. Amelia Payne’s entry was chosen and during the Easter holiday her picture was on the front cover and what a time for this to happen, just before the team became champions! Well done Amelia and well done Pompey!!

Parent Focus Group

Just a reminder that if you would like to become more involved in school life at Warren Park we would love to see you at our Parent Focus meeting on Thursday 25th April at 2pm in the school hall. Our parent governors will also be there and we are keen to hear your thoughts on how we can best launch and use our own school Facebook page as well as consider starting a parent led ‘Friends of Warren Park Association’ (PTA). Please come along and join us for tea, coffee and discussion.

Local Community

Local residents have shared their concerns regarding cars speeding within the local community. Please can you help us to ensure that the local area is as safe as possible for our children and families by driving safely and promoting this with family and friends.

Holidays in term time

The government continue to prioritise the importance of school attendance and following the information that we sent out last term to reinforce this, I just want to remind anyone considering booking a holiday(s) in term time of 5 days or more, that on the first occasion the legal intervention team at Hampshire may process a Fixed Penalty Notice. Any subsequent holiday/unauthorised absence may not be put forward for a fixed penalty notice but referred directly to an attendance legal panel who may decide to prosecute.


We will be saying a sad farewell to Miss Marsh at the end of April as she moves on to a new school. I am sure you will join me in thanking Miss Marsh and wishing her every success for the future. Congratulations to Mrs Banbury who has joined the Year R team as Year Leader and Snapdragons class teacher.

Open afternoon drop in / Reports

On Wednesday 10th July you are invited to visit your child’s class at any time between 3.30 – 4.45 pm to see their workbooks for this year. The teachers will be available for general discussion but if you have a particular matter regarding your child, please arrange a separate appointment through the school office. Before the end of term your child will be given their school report for you to read. We hope that you will enjoy celebrating their achievements with them.

Sports Days

We have included sports day information on the dates list and we will once again invite you to bring along a picnic to share with your child prior to their races. Further information will follow. In the event of poor weather, we will be able to reschedule the sports day but unfortunately not the picnic.


Please keep a regular check on the school website for dates as year groups will continue to add the exciting things that they have planned for this term.

Important Summer Term Dates
21/6/24 12.30 – 3pm Years R, 1 & 2 Picnic and sports day
28/6/24 12.30 – 3pm Years 5 & 6 Picnic and sports day
4/7/24 all day


3.15 – 4.15 pm


4.30 – 5.45 pm





Years 3, 4 & 5

Transition day





5/7/24 12.30 – 3pm Years 3 & 4 Picnic and sports day
10/7/24 3.30 – 4.45pm All Open afternoon
11/7/24 all day All Reserve sports day
12/7/24 all day All Team sports day (just for children) or

Reserve sports day


15/7 to 17/7


15/7 pm dress rehearsal

7.30 – 9pm


1 – 3 pm

Year 6



Year 6 production

all day



6.30 – 9.30pm





Year 6


Reserve team sports day (just for children)


Year 6 Summer Ball


19/7/24 morning




Talent Show

Last day of term



school closed All Inset Days

With very best wishes,

Elizabeth Cooper