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Monthly Archives: July 2023

Newsletter – July 2023

We are looking forward to the remaining exciting events in the school calendar and I have also included some important dates for next year in this letter.

Sports Days

We are keeping a careful eye on the weather for our infant sports day tomorrow. If the weather holds, we hope that you will bring a picnic along and join the infant children for lunch on the field at 12.30pm. Please make sure that you check the text messaging service regularly as we may need to postpone if it rains or if the track remains slippery following rain. In this event, the infant sports day will take place on the reserve date of the morning of Thursday 20th July.


Children in all year groups, except for Year 6, will be bringing home their annual Reports today 13th July. Year 6 children will be given their reports on Tuesday 18th July once their SATs results have been included. We do hope that you enjoy reading your child’s report and celebrating their achievements.

Sports Team Carousel

Please ensure that your child comes to school in their PE kit on Tuesday 18th July as they will be participating within their monkey team on a range of team sports challenges. If they can wear something in their team colour that would be fantastic and add to the atmosphere of the event.

Team colours are:

Team Colour
Laurence Blue
Warren Yellow
Esther Purple
Theodore Green
Lavinia Red
Charlie Pink


Charity non-uniform day

One of our Year 2 children is currently fundraising for The Little Princess Trust. This charity aims to ‘give hair and hope to children with cancer’. The organisation is also one of the largest charity funders of childhood cancer research in the UK. He is intending to donate his own hair to the charity as part of his fundraising so that they can provide wigs for children who need them.   The last day of term (Friday 21st July) will be a non-uniform day and the children can choose what they would like to wear to school. Please make sure that tee-shirts cover shoulders and that your child is wearing appropriate footwear. We will be collecting donations on this day to put towards his fantastic fundraising effort so any donations will be very gratefully received.

Inset days 2023/24

The new school year will begin on Tuesday 5th September for the children as Friday 1st and Monday 4th September will be Inset days.

New Reception children will begin school full time on Monday 11th September.

Friday 24th November 2023, Monday 22nd July 2024 and Tuesday 23rd July 2024 will also be inset days and school will be closed for the children.

Parents’ Evenings

Tuesday 3rd October and Thursday 5th October will be Parents’ Evenings. This will be an opportunity for you to meet your child’s new teacher, discuss how they are settling into their new year group and discuss the areas that home and school can support them with during the forthcoming academic year.

We do hope to see you at our events before the end of term. On behalf of everyone at Warren Park, I would like to say thank you for the support that you have given the school this year. We really value working in partnership with you to make sure that your child’s journey through Warren Park is the very best it can be. We hope that you have a wonderful summer break and we look forward to seeing you again on Tuesday 5th September.

With very best wishes,

Elizabeth Cooper