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Monthly Archives: June 2023

Newsletter – June 2023

We are set to have a very busy and exciting end to the school year. We do hope to see you at some of our events.

Photo Day

The school photographer will be visiting on Thursday 22nd June for individual, sibling and class photos. Please ensure that you have returned the letter to the school office with your permission to have the photographs taken. Sibling photos will only be taken where it has been requested so please do ensure that you have sent the consent letter if you would like this to happen.

Open afternoon drop in / Reports

On Wednesday 28th June you are invited to visit your child’s class at any time between 3.30 – 4.45 pm to see their workbooks for this year. The teachers will be available for general discussion but if you have a particular matter regarding your child, please arrange a separate appointment through the school office.

Before the end of term your child will be given their school report for you to read. We hope that you will enjoy celebrating their achievements with them.

Industrial action / Infant sports day

The National Education Union has voted to take further industrial action on Wednesday 5th July and Friday 7th July. It is likely that some or all classes will be closed on these days. We would advise that you make plans for these days and we will confirm school arrangements as soon as we are able to do so in an additional letter.

To ensure that this does not have an impact our Infant Sports Day, we are changing the date from Friday 7th July to the afternoon of Friday 14th July. This will still include a picnic between 12.30 – 1pm with the races beginning at 1.15pm.

Multiply maths events

We have recently had the first of our Multiply events which was well attended by our KS2 families. Multiply is a government funded organisation that offers adults free maths courses with opportunities to gain qualifications, and build confidence in using numbers at work or in everyday life. As part of their work, they are offering games nights for families to show how maths skills can be developed at home through play. They will also be providing parents with children in Year 3 and 4 with an opportunity to attend a workshop which will support in helping children with their maths homework. If you would like to book a place on the remaining events please do so through our Arbor system.


Date Time Who should attend Event
Monday 3rd July 3.15 – 5.15 pm parents and child(ren) Infants Games Evening (Years R,1,2)
Wednesday 5th July 1 – 3 pm parents (children in Year 3 and 4) Help with maths homework workshop

Scooters and bikes

It has been lovely to see so many children riding and scooting to school in this fine and dry weather. Please make sure that scooters and bikes are walked on and off the site at the beginning and end of the school day. We have recently had an injury caused by a collision at this busy time so please do support us in keeping everyone safe and reminding the children about this important rule.

Electric scooters are not permitted on the school site. Anyone dropping off or picking up children with an electric scooter must remain outside of the school gates.

Hot weather

We are expecting some more hot and sunny days before the end of term so please do make sure that your child is well covered with sun block before coming into school. Adults in school will remind children about using sun block but cannot take responsibility for applying it.


It is the time of year where we say some sad farewells to valued members of our Warren Park family as they move on to new adventures. This year we are saying farewell to some longstanding members of the team. Anna Evans and Nannette Froggatt are both retiring after many years of dedicated service to our school community. Mrs Evans has supported Warren Park staff and families for more than three decades as our School Business Manager and during this time she has got to know so many of you well and in many cases watching children grow and become parents themselves. Mrs Froggatt has been a Learning Support Assistant for 16 years and supported so many children to succeed and thrive within her time at Warren Park. We will also be saying a sad farewell to Donna Carter who has supported Warren Park children and families as a Learning Support Assistant over the last 25 years and most recently, enabling our Reception children to settle, flourish and achieve as they begin school life. It is difficult to capture in words the contribution that these amazing colleagues have made to the lives of your children and our school community – they will be very greatly missed.

I would also like to say an enormous thank you and wish the very best of luck to those colleagues who are embarking on new adventures at the end of this term.

Disco / Summer Ball

We will be having an end of year disco on Tuesday 4th July. The Infant disco will take place directly after school until 4.30pm. Those children who are attending will simply stay behind at the end of the day. The infant children do not need to wear school uniform on this day and can choose an outfit that is suitable for both school and the disco. The disco for children in years 3, 4 and 5 will take place between 4.45 – 6pm. Year 6 children will have their very special evening of dancing and celebration at their Summer Ball on Monday 17th July. Further details about these events will follow in an additional letter.

Non-uniform day

The last day of term (Friday 21st July) will be a non-uniform day and the children can choose what they would like to wear to school. Please make sure that tee-shirts cover shoulders and that your child is wearing appropriate footwear.

With very best wishes,

Elizabeth Cooper